Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Abundance, Hidden in the Mystery

I was hoping for something different than what I experienced this Christmas. I was hoping for an abundance of love and companionship and warm-hearted times. But the key here is that I was hoping -- not expecting or knowing.

Instead, I allowed everything to unfold organically and stuck with what felt best. And that meant spending a lot of time by myself.

At first this was a bitter-sweet pill for me to swallow. I was a bit rebellious about it, while embracing it on some level. Eventually, after I worked through the sadness or disappointment of it, I was able to relax into what was true for: I needed this time alone!

Especially because of the sudden and large influx of abundance into my life on Christmas Eve day: my new furniture arrived.

I have been living in this apartment -- without furniture, other than a bed -- for over 6 months. Well, last week I broke down and went out and bought some. Phew. It took a while to make the decisions, but I was so elated I had a good cry afterwards. I felt proud of myself.

So when it all arrived -- huge cushy sofa, large plush chair and dining room table -- I was not elated, but overwhelmed!!

Oh I was so surprised by this emotional reaction. I thought for sure I would be crying for joy or excited and eager. Instead. Shutdown. It took about 24 hours to actually integrate this sudden shift. But what's really cool about it is how much appreciation I ended up having once I integrated it all. I cannot describe the deep appreciation I have for now having furniture. But I can assure you that the groundedness, solidity and homey feeling is truly strong. And those are what I wanted anyways.

So in summary, I'll take the longer-lasting, deeper impression of the feelings I wanted from my furniture, than the sudden elation and excitement. And in a way, this has been a good, smaller-scale practice for the massive abundance that is heading my way right now.

Thank you Universe!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Being an example of Abundance

How can we be examples of Abundance when we haven't "arrived" yet? When we haven't gotten "over there"? Or acquired this, that or the other thing.

I'm gathering lately that being an example of Abundance is much simpler than having the material indicators -- which is all they really are anyways. It's actually carrying the inner feeling throughout any material or physical conditions. And that by carrying this inner feeling and radiating it out in love and appreciation, letting it flow through us instead of demanding things come to us, we are true examples of Abundance.

Today, as I face a quiet day -- with joyful expectation -- and expect the best of things today, I feel this truth more than ever. And yes, the physical indicators of abundance are on their way for me and countless others. But they don't need to be here, since in my now I am already there.

Funny, those spiritual paradoxes, eh? :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

What a wonderful day

I awoke this morning to a little bit of fear. Not much. Just some stuff about money and bills. Thanks to the last 37 days of playing the Appreciation Game, I simply slipped into making a mental list of what I am currently appreciating. Man, does this game really do the trick. I essentially bathe in the feeling of appreciation right from the moment I wake up.

And today is lovely. The rain is beautiful and nurturing. My tasks are light, easy and fun today. I'm making money right now, while I type and I am surrounded by beautiful people, beautiful possessions and lots of love. I really am blessed.

This perspective of appreciation is really doing a lot for my sense of abundance. I can see now what Abraham means by it. And when I am so often in this state of appreciation, I'm noticing that when things don't go "my way" I am even less phased by them.

For example, tonight I was scheduled to meet a friend who I adore. She had to go to the hospital to support a friend who suddenly needed to go. When I heard this news, I wasn't even disappointed. Well, maybe a tad bit sad. But because of my state of appreciation, I rejoiced in the increase of free-time and the freedom to go eat where I wanted and do what I wanted.

I also thought about how people vibrate out of our experience when we and they are not vibrational matches. So I took the change of plans as a good thing.

The funny thing about this -- as it relates to abundance -- is that I really do FEEL more abundant when I am in appreciation. I don't completely understand this. Nor do I need to. I just know that it is working.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 30

Last day of the game. It's been pretty incredible. I am soooooo appreciative of the following things:

  • everything I have learned through EWI
  • all my experience with real estate investing -- they have gotten me to where I am today
  • all my wonderful friends
  • women!
  • the women I am interested in
  • my delicious food choices
  • my bed
  • working in my pajamas, dreaming of millions!
  • the notion of not batting an eye at a $2500 per night hotel room!
  • ever-increasing, ever-expanding opportunities
  • my success
  • Flora listing today and ready for sale!
  • how blessed I am

Monday, December 10, 2007

Feeling really Abundant

I'm feeling really Abundant today.

Saturday night I had a break-down of sorts, followed by a little one Sunday morning and then a beautiful breakthrough as Sunday progressed.

Essentially, I got into massive fear around my finances and a lot of "Why?" around some things that have been occurring, wanting and wishing they had been different. But what I now see is pretty amazing. I see that I am truly creating myself a steward of abundance, but in a whole different way than I imagined.

I had thought I would get all monetarily successful and shit and then be the prime example. Ya know, sail through a series of deals and start making tens of thousands of dollars a month and beyond. But people can't really relate to that. If that did happen, they'd not think they can do it themselves.

So I'm building stories. Stories that are inspiring and informative and entertaining. They wouldn't be if my stories were simply "Oh yea. I went to go do that and it worked right off the bat and now I'm gob-smacking wealthy."

In fact, my stories are deeper than just being about the money. They're about spirit and passion and the true definition of success -- joy in the face of everything.

So I am more willingly going through whatever it is I am going through, because I know it's part of the mix, all part of the creative soup, and that many people will be inspired by my experience. AND I will be gob-smacking wealthy too! Sooner than later. :)

Appreciation Game: Day 29

Wow. This game is almost over. I missed a few days of blogging it while I was in Detroit. But I still did it in my head. Today, I am filled with so much appreciation.

  • Meeting A & E and everything they are doing for us
  • The trip to Detroit
  • My awesome friend and business partner Patricia
  • ALL my wonderful, yummy, loving dance friends
  • The profound love I feel when I interact with certain people
  • Everything I have gone through this year, in building stories that will inspire the people I will teach about investing.
  • My real estate investing business. I LOVE IT!!! Universe, heighten this experience. Make it phenomenal, amazing, exciting and supporting.
  • My body, my dance and my capacity to love
  • The food I eat
  • My apartment
  • My soon-to-be sexy, stylish, savvy, sane, sweet, silly and spiritual girlfriend.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Abundant Business Trip

Late Thursday night, I returned from a majorly abundant business trip. I must tell you -- it was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. In many ways, it verified what I love about the business of real estate investing. And in many other ways, it validated that I'm right on track and in-line for some serious fun and abundance.

A group of us went to learn more about this specific marketplace. And from day one we were kept extremely busy. We toured the various neighborhoods, looking at deals for about 2 straight days, enjoying nice meals and fun and giggles along the way. But it wasn't till the 3rd day that the great stuff really unfolded.

On that day, we had a meeting with a rather prominent investor there. At first I didn't know what to think of it. We talked a lot about high-level stuff: vision of the city, what the city has been doing, their need for better branding and marketing, their need for cultural centers, and our needs and desires as investors.

It was a non-stop, 3-4 hour meeting and very exciting.

The next morning, we meet up with him and his mentor -- another prominent and highly influential investor there -- and we were granted an exclusive tour around town, pointing out the dynamics of growth and the wealth of opportunities there. My head is still buzzing from the experience.

However, above and beyond the gold mine of opportunities that we encountered, what really rings my bell is how wonderful the people are. I liked them. They were cool, smart and honorable. They were eager to help and excited to have us there. We just had amazing synergy.

So today, I sit here trying to take in everything that happened and where it's leading. Quite honestly, I can't. This is because it is truly beyond my wildest dreams. Far beyond. And for that, I am SOOOO appreciative, I have no words to describe it.

My career just turned a major corner, at high-speed, with an in-flight upgrade along the way. Amazing!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 20

Oh, the lovely things I am appreciating today:

  • a new woman in my life, who I really dig
  • the taste and feel of her lips
  • how massive contrast (seemingly negative happenings) can really help clarify what I want -- and then actually positively effect whole new outcomes!
  • my increased desire for security, completion, fun, prosperity
  • slow wake-up mornings and comfy pillows
  • my ability to bounce back from adversity
  • two new YL distributors and more on the way
  • my first YL commission check -- $102.51!!!!
  • chicken and veggies
  • my business
  • seller financing
  • all my amazing friends!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 19

Today's appreciation list:

  • sleep
  • my new boots
  • getting ready for Detroit trip
  • all the cool opportunities happening
  • my first Young Living check of $102!! I didn't know I would make money so soon! And next month will be even higher!!
  • the rain. it feels somehow protective and sheltering. peace-giving
  • my friend Sarah, for her courage and appreciation
  • my friend Patricia, for being the total goober-head, funny lady she is
  • my life. i am so blessed!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 18

What I am appreciative of, for today:

  • Jacqueline - everything about her and how wonderful it is to spend time with her
  • My dear friend Londin -- for lovely co-creating with me, teaching me new ideas and playing business together
  • My best friend Paul -- for being the first to teach me how to do business with someone
  • My best friend Patricia -- for being such a goober, a superb REI and a great friend
  • Lara bars -- damn I love those things. So yummy!
  • Yummy kisses
  • Science exhibits -- that actually work! :)
  • Young Living oils and that whole business -- oh my God I didn't realize how easy it is to make money doing it!!
  • Christmas -- I love the joy of the season, the lights and colors
  • video games
  • sleeeeeeeeeep!
  • real estate investing -- specifically, finding and evaluating deals, making offers, playing negotiations, devising exit strategies, the meet and great
  • My best friend Lea -- for very courageously going for her dreams, like m

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 17

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • looking at and evaluating deals
  • making and negotiating offers
  • working out various exit strategies
  • doing all this from my laptop, at home or away
  • remembering what I love about investing
  • wanting to do more of it, blow it out of the water and have it be phenomenal!
  • my dear, dear friends
  • my lack of emotional response to death.
  • Ningxia Red juice!
  • yummy, juicy, sensual moments!
  • loving, cherishing and adoring a woman

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 16

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • I love the way a close, sweet hug feels, from a friend I adore
  • all my friends from Monday night
  • waking up happy and appreciative
  • looking forward to the day
  • my ability to decide what I want and focus exclusively on it
  • I am SO appreciative of my Florita project and how successful it is and will make me feel
  • so looking forward to completion and success and profit from Florita
  • how everything is unfolding in my life
  • Cashew Cookie lara bars
  • my apartment
  • my current dating life
  • the simple things

Monday, November 26, 2007


How much of Abundance consciousness is tied to expectation? What do you expect in your life? And what does it feel like?

Personally, I find that expectation is closely tied to abundance and manifesting. And I don't mean expectation in terms of hoping or wishing something will occur. I mean that deep knowing, almost assuming, feeling that something will occur.

For example. I have my first investment property in Kansas City almost completed with the rehab. So it's nearly time to sell it. And when I move past the angst about how quickly it will sell and rest in the knowing that it will definitely sell, then I can quietly and calmly expect it to sell.

I think it's the feeling component that makes the difference here. That deep feeling of knowing something and accepting the inevitability of it, without worry, angst, rancor or struggle.

I like that. Especially coming from someone (me) who grew up living off of hopes and wishes for tomorrow in my head, but never believing they would come true.

Appreciation Game: Day 15

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • comfy sheets, pillows and comforters!
  • lounging, slow waking mornings
  • the preciousness of Hudson
  • my friends Patricia, Londin, Michael, John, Amy Rae
  • dinner at Cheesecake Factory hamburger and guacamole
  • my new property offer and cash flow analysis spreadsheet
  • the upcoming Detroit trip
  • training Ami
  • how much I know about the system of professional real estate investing
  • my yummy day yesterday -- dance and friends and hanging in the park
  • easy-busy days
  • feeling protective of my friends
  • all my spiritual growth

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 14

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • recognizing my emotions as simply an indicator, and adjusting my thinking
  • hope
  • love
  • sensuality and sexuality
  • my body
  • my intelligence
  • how the light slips in through my blinds as the sun rises
  • a place to call my own
  • all my wishes, dreams and desires. they are so much more than I allow them to be
  • knowing I just need to allow in order to manifest
  • the down times, even though I don't always like them. they do inform and motivate me
  • rice milk
  • ningxia red juice!
  • my friends
  • my soon-to-be girlfriend
  • my soon-to-be cashflow and profits

Friday, November 23, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 12

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • waking up in appreciation
  • lara bars
  • my Lavender and Valor and Joy oils
  • my new video games
  • my recent realization about my max offer prices
  • my commitment to stick to my formulas for making offers
  • all my amazing friends!
  • dating from an allowing and attracting place, instead of a "finding and making it happen" place
  • muscles
  • sunny mornings
  • gentle wake-ups
  • the realization that I can expect income on a regular basis and especially in the next 30 days
  • the thought of having a lover/girlfriend/date in my life during the holidays this year
  • my new cell phone!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


It's Thanksgiving and definitely a time to focus on Abundance. More and more I am coming to understand, feel and really experience how the more I allow, the more I allow. It's definitely Law of Attraction in action. Allowing begets more allowing.

Take dating for example. I recently following a tingly feeling in my heart regarding a woman I've known for a few months and asked her out. She accepted and we had a wonderful time. I stay focused on how I was feeling, on valuing and appreciating her and on allowing the date to be whatever it would be. And it was lovely. A truly wonderful first date. Simple too.

Then today, at the very end of this special Thanksgiving Day dance class, I had a lovely, sweet dance with a wonderful woman. There was definitely a yummy connection, because neither of us wanted to stop hugging the other one. Being close to the same height certainly helped! We're having lunch on Sunday.

So in opening myself up to dating again, and letting the Universe indicate to me -- through my feelings -- when to take action, and allowing it all to unfold by staying in appreciation and OUT OF MY HEAD, I am experiencing attracting wonderful women into my life.

The same has been true of money. Last week, I had a great meeting with a mortgage broker who has 2 solid sources of hard money for me and my business partner. That's without needing partners, which is ideal.

So my life is really magical on many, if not all, levels. So now, I would like to manifest a wonderful couch, side chair and ottoman for my living room, costing less than $1200 total. :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 10

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

  • waking up thinking nice thoughts
  • feeling love in my heart
  • excitement for my date today
  • the realization that I have been afraid to offer too low on my deals for fear of not getting the deals, then finding out I can't actually close on the deals because I offered too much, therefore not actually getting the deals. this realization is what I appreciate most today!
  • the love of friends
  • having gotten to ask 3 questions to Dr. Peebles last night
  • my enthusiasm for being connected to Source
  • committing to my business and the core strategies more and more
  • willingness to offer less in order to get better deals that align with my goals and desires!
  • reading "Ask and It Is Given"
  • being goofy with my friend Patricia

Monday, November 19, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 8

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

cold pillows and warm comforters
the preciousness of Hudson
my camaraderie with John
the beauty and enthusiasm of Sarah
dance and lunch with my friends
long Sunday afternoon naps
knowing I have creative control over my life and don't need to be reactionary or an observer
inspiring romantic movies! :)
the love I feel for my soon-to-be girlfriend and partner
my business and how it works like a system
my new mentee!!
easy days, full of simple tasks and abundant accomplishments and receivings!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Expected-Unexpected Nature of Abundance

One of the things I am learning about Abundance -- or manifestation in general -- is how unexpected -- yet not -- the things that come to me are.

For instance. You know, from earlier posts, that I've been on this allowing the Universe to bring me consistent funding for all my deals. And a lot happened even just 1+ plus short weeks since writing this into my Placemat process.

Well, since Wednesday, two new things happened:

  1. I met with a potential cash partner and we decided to work together. This enables me to be able to do at least 2 deals at a time with her. Maybe more!
  2. A trusted colleague called who I hadn't spoken to for a while. He had some Qs about him becoming a credit partner for other investors. I explained the process and how it worked. And then -- quite unexpectedly -- he asked if that was something I would be interested in doing with him. Of course the answer was yes! But what's interesting is that he didn't know that I had recently decided to take on credit partners. :)

So between this new cash partner, this new credit partner and my current credit partner -- not to mention a few private lenders -- I will be able to do 2-4 deals per month easily, effortlessly and consistently, from now on. For THAT I am so damn appreciative!

There are two things that are most striking about each of these events. First, I never expected these exact results. And certainly not so quickly since writing this down on my Placemat Process. But, I did expect for my request to be taken care of. That's what's cool about this!

If we expect -- on a feeling level -- that the Universe will take care of these requests, then we can be surprised beyond our wildest dreams and simplest conceptions of how it should unfold.

So today, I wrote a new additional request to the Universe: "consistent income to pay all my bills and have lots of fun $$ left over, beyond my wildest dreams".

I have no idea what this will look like, but I'm sure it will fit my preferences AND knock my socks off!!

Appreciation Game: Day 7

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

soft sheets
warm showers
cashew cookie lara bars
my new investing mentee
my business partners
how when I put something on the Universes side of the Placemat process, it simply gets done
the changing angle of the sunshine as the year moves on
my intuition
bodies in motion
my essential oils
Ningxia Red!!
feeling good, even when I wake up NOT feeling good
consistent funding for all my deals
my new credit partner and cash partner
all the wonderful income I have and that which is on its way to me right NOW!
my friends
my Sundays

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 6

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

long, slow wake-ups on a sleepy Saturday morning
my vibrational alignment
my feelings -- those oh so yummy feelings
something I can't mention publicly, but I really appreciate it
I have a date next week!
I love my friends
how everything I want is really coming to me with little or no effort on my part
recognizing what's my part and what's not
chicken and vegetables at unexpected places and prices
my essential oils!!
yummy showers and shaving clean
that I am the sole creator of my reality
how people and experiences come in or out of my life based on how I feel and vibrate

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Power of the Oils: Lavender and Thieves

This morning I slammed the door on my right thumb. Ooooouuuch!! MAN did that really hurt!! My thumb was throbbing but luckily not broken. I could barely wiggle it without hurting.

After I ran some cold water on my thumb, I dripped a drop of Lavender oil and a drop of Thieves oil on it. Immediately the pain started lessening! The sting went away a few minutes later. And shortly after, the redness died down.

Now, over 2 hours later, there's just a hint of tingling and tightness in my thumb, no sign of swelling and I can type and write with it just about normally -- which could potentially really hurt this soon after injury.

I'm stunned, amazed and elated!!

Appreciation Game: Day 5

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

waking up
interesting women
my ability and decision to keep my energy in and not give it away so easily
sitting reading after breakfast
friendly cashiers
being friendly to cashiers
the variety of people in the world
how there are SO many different health foods in the world
continual amazement at the oils -- LOVE Thieves and Valor now too
deep, deep appreciation for understanding and working with the Law of Attraction
how much is being drawn into my life right now, simply by intention, focus and allowing
my body and health
how I want to feel when I am financially free and madly in love
teaching people about real estate investing
inspiring people toward abundance

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An example of receiving Abundance

So, a few weeks ago, as you may recall, I had discussions worth over $2 million. All of it was around attempting to find financing for my deals, either private or institutional or partners. Well I learned alot from that experience. Namely, that I didn't want to work that hard trying to make it happen.

So during one of our recent Abundance Parties, I put various statements relating to this on the Universe's side of my Placemat process. Eventually, in refining the statement, it came to where it is today "consistent funding for all my deals, from now on."

What this means is that I was turning over my funding woes to the Universe, that I wouldn't go looking for it and that I wanted it to come to me easily and effortlessly. And, that at a minimum, I would always have enough funding to do 2 to 4 deals a month.

Well, what has unfolded has been really cool.

First off, I have relaxed around the whole thing! This is the hugest piece, because it is only in relaxing and letting go of effort and resistance that anything can manifest these days.

Second, TONS of financing sources -- potentially solid ones -- have been coming to me. With little or no effort on my part. Seriously. Check this list out

* my business partner found two hard money lenders on Craigslist. I emailed them and they wrote me back. I'm no applying with them
* my realtor called me having found out about another hard money lender. i did nothing for a few days and he found out even more information
* a colleague called me about a deal and I found out he has two resources he said he'd turn me on to
* I called a colleague to talk about partnering and she's totally for it AND has lots of resources
* my business partner has a friend who is going independent and can get us both hard money
* the hard money lender I am already in tight with said they could do 2 deals with me instead of one

I'm telling you. When I am clear on what I want -- consistent funding for all my deals, from now on -- and allow the Universe (God or whatever you want to call it) to manage it, the results are really quite wonderful and amazing!

Appreciation Game: Day 3

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

waking up under my comforter
lara bars
wealth and luxury - whether actual or dreamt
my Abundance oil
silly movies
the way I feel during meditation
learning new things in my business
email discussions with friends I haven't seen in a while
having the guts to go out on a ledge
the taste and smell of the right woman
Dr. Peebles and Natalie G.
the funding I have for my deals, now and in the future
great little quotes and sayings
how my body seems to adjust itself while I sleep
Lavender oil on my pillows
Start Trek -- all the series!
my friends
life itself
my soon-to-be-girlfriend
always having money from now on

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm in Love!

You know that feeling after you've fallen, where your heart swells and you feel some how lighter and more alive than ever before? Sometimes it's accompanied with not being able to think straight or think of anything or anyone else?

Well that's how I'm feeling right now. It's a very big-energy, high-vibration feeling. Like every cell in my body is vibrating faster and with more joy. It's really wonderful.

And I haven't even met her (in the physical world) and I didn't even sniff any Joy oil just now!

I will say that I feel like I just met someone, or received someone or something. Or maybe I am just deeply appreciating everything.

Well, whatever it is, I wish everyone could feel it right now. It's so yummy and delicious and whole.

Surrender: What people misunderstand most about it and how it relates to Abundance.

It occurred to me today that many people misunderstand the notion of Surrender.

When I was fat -- yes, hard to believe, but I was, although I don't identify with those years anymore -- one could say I had "surrendered" to the food. In truth, it was more like resignation. The problem with this type of surrender is that it is sort of backward focused, stuck on lack and the problem. Surrendering to a problem -- or in my case resigning to the "fact" that I would be fat for the rest of my life (ha! what a lie) had nothing to do with a solution. Nothing to do with hope or inspiration or even where I wanted to go.

And if humility is an acceptance of where we are and a willingness to become all we can be. Then this type of "surrender" even lacks humility. Because there's no "can be". Only where we are.

See, true Surrender -- and I capitalize it on purpose -- is not just an acceptance or resignation of where we are. True Surrender is to Life itself: to the stream of life that flows powerful and magically through our days and nights.

When we surrender to that stream of life, we are saying quite simply: I'm okay where I am and I'm willing to let the rest unfold.

Surrender to a problem says "well, I might as well accept that this is how it is and will always be".

See the difference? One has hope and movement. The other is stuck and lacking.

I think this is an important thing to be aware of when attempting to manifest Abundance in one's life.

Don't surrender to your problems. Don't surrender to "what is"! Don't resign yourself to how you currently view things!! You might as well shoot your self!!!

Abundance is there, waiting for us, in every moment, just a reach away. And we get there faster when we truly Surrender. :)

Lavender to the Rescue! (and Abundance too!)

Last night I gave a friend some Lavender and Abundance oil. And a wee bit of Peppermint. She had heard about the Lavender from my friend Brian, who bought some a few weeks ago. So she wanted to sleep better. Here's what she wrote me this morning.

"I slept I slept!!! AND i just closed my first deal!!! I am so excited!! Want to know how a friend of mine can get some lavender oil too?? let me know!!"

That, my friends, is the power of these oils. I swear by them. And I don't swear by much. They are truly life changing.

Abundance is becoming a norm

What an incredible life this is! Really. For one, starting the Appreciation Game has been such a joy. Focusing on appreciation as I go to sleep, wake up and start my day has been really fun. So that carries over quite nicely to my day in all areas.

Then, combine that with intention and focus and everything unfolds nicely.

Like for example, on Sunday after dance, I had a friend ask me about Abundance oil. I happened to have Joy and Peppermint with me. So I broke them out and shared some drops. I love watching as people enjoy and appreciate the oils. Two friends definitely want to get some.

Same thing happened yesterday. I was simply minding my business when a friend emailed and wanted to know about lavender oil. Someone using it had told her about it. So I hooked her up with some last night. I'm very curious to see how she slept.

Plus, on Sunday, at dance, I set the intention to be surround with love and loving joyful experiences. I also set the intention to see beautiful women. And you know what, I saw beauty everywhere, was surround by love and luscious dances and felt filled with joy and love.

The yesterday (Monday) I found tons of cool deals and was feeling very abundant in my business life.

Let's see what happens today!!!

Appreciation Game: Day 2

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

my health
i love the way the sun shines through the slots of my blinds as I wake up in the morning
i love the taste of lara bars and vanila rice milk
my friends from Monday night: Lauren, Gaby, Heidi, Heather, Josh, Michael, Hillary
the way it feels when I'm first waking up, covered in my warm comforter
the feeling of my naked body
the completely visceral, sensual feeling of having sex, body-to-body
reading "Ask and It Is Given"
KNOWING that the more I focus on love, joy and appreciation, the more those things will BE
KNOWING I can be in relationship at any time
FEELING her nearer and nearer
my money and wealth: past, present and future
my new-found knowledge that everything I want is already a part of me, simply by desiring it!
my soon-to-be girlfriend
my hear-now girlfriend :)
my essential oils
when people want essential oils
day-dreaming :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Appreciation Game: Day 1

I'm playing this Appreciation Game, the last step of which is a to make a list in the morning of everything I appreciate in this moment. Here's mine for today!

my health
my work and my team and my deals (now and in future)
my friends, specifically Londin, Patricia, Juliet, John, Michele, Michael, Brian...
my peanut-shaped, red-colored desk!
my soon to be living room furniture
dance and movement
my bed
Young Living essential oils, specifically Abundance, Lavender, Peppermint, Envision and Joy!
how my life is unfolding so magically
the teachings of Abraham
Natalie Gianelli and Dr. Peebles
Lara Bars
Jamba Juice
yummy salads
how women move and dress
the softness of their skin
the loveliness of their shape
the variety of shapes of women
the spot on a woman's hip where my hand fits ever so perfectly
my own body: it's form, movement, strength, definition, gentleness
my soon-to-be girlfriend
my deep love for her

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Appreciation Game

Here's a game from Abraham that I will be playing for the next 30 days. Join in if you want. :)

"Go to bed tonight and set forth the intention to slumber into your alignment with Source, which you always do. And then set forth the intention that when you awaken in the morning that you'll just slide back into this physical body in an attitude of appreciation. And in fact before you sleep, go through a list of things that are very easy for you to appreciate so you set the tone of the environment into which you will re-emerge in the morning.

And then when you awaken in the morning, lie in your bed and move through your mind this list of things that you are appreciating. And then go right from there to brushing your teeth and doing whatever you need to do immediately. And then go right to your chair of meditation and bring yourself again into vibrational alignment with wellbeing. Only this time, you're not doing it because you are asleep --you're wide awake. And you are tuning yourself to the vibration of Who You Are. Then get up from your meditation chair and go right to the kitchen, and find something that is delicious and refreshing to eat. And as you are eating it, sit with an attitude of appreciation.

And once you've finished eating your delicious meal, whatever it might be, then sit with your paper and pen and make a list of things that you appreciate. Just write the things that flow forth from you easily. Don't make it a list of things you SHOULD appreciate --the things that you do appreciate.

And this process will put you in the vibrational attitude of alignment with Source. And if you will do that tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, before you know it, and certainly within 30 days, you will have set the tone of seeing the world through the eyes of Source in a way that you have never done before. [Powerfully] And then you will not be asking us what it's like to be pure, positive energy, because you'll know it VISCERALLY. You'll feel it in EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING."

Albuquerque, NM, 8-28-07

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Money is a Part of Me. It's Not "Out There".

Last night I had an incredible epiphany! I realized that there is absolutely NO separation between me and the money I want. In fact, it's not even really about the money I want, as much as it's about changing the perception of where it "lives". Let me explain.

See, when I was growing up, money was something very foreign to me. My family didn't have much of it. They never spoke openly about it -- it was always a kind of "behind closed doors" sort of thing, right up there with sex. And we were always pinching pennies, cutting coupons and doing cost saving things around the house.

So I got this message that money was in short supply, hard to come by and needed to be preserved and watched closely, and rarely spent. My family had the "lacks". And yet, I saw plenty of evidence of money in other people's lives. Even on the street where I lived. I was under the impression that we were different from all of them. (see, more separation!)

Over the years, I've grown to have a better relationship with money. Have actually learned to make a lot of it in 9-to-5 J.O.B.'s. But one old story has remained.That is the belief that money was always "out there", "over there", in other people's hands or anywhere other than associated directly with me. Even while I was earning big bucks on wall street back in 1995 and 1996, money was something that other people gave to me, in exchange for my labor, service or brilliance. But it was an exchange. Not a right. I associated it with them, not with me.

In recent months I've been practicing allowing more abundance into my life, through various exercises. Most of that fun and games has been around deserving, defining feeling states I associate with money and wealth, defining what I want, and shifting my belief around it needing to come from a 9-to-5 JOB.

And lat night was the next big piece -- bring it home to where it really "lives": with me. Perhaps this was the final piece of my shift. I certainly hope so. Here's what happened.

I was listening to someone talk about how we are connected to everything around us: how we are the chair we're sitting on, the grass we walk on, the air we breath, etc. Many people would say this is the major tenet of the "We are all One" or "We're all interconnected" spiritual beliefs. But I took it deeper than that.

For me, it was a deep realization that money -- as much or as little as I may want -- is not "out there" or "over there with them" or "theirs" or that anyone needs to give it to me. That's when I realized that everything I want is simply an energetic extension of me and, in fact, is actually part of me!!

  • The $10,000+/month in passive income I want is part of me.
  • All the real estate investment deals I do from now on are part of me.
  • The money I will make from those deals is part of me.
  • What's in my bank account and what's coming to my bank account are a part of me.
  • The relationship with my beloved and all love relationships are part of me.
  • The furniture I want to buy this weekend is part of me.
  • The house in the hills or on the beach are a part of me.

Everything I want is part of me, simply by the fact that I desire it. And in fact, as soon as I desire it, it is a part of me. Or rather, it's part of who I am becoming. Thus, my role, is to let go and allow it to join with my current experience. To let it in and allow it to be part of me.

So there is NO separation between myself and money. It's not "over there" or "in someone else's hands" or "hard to attain" or "requiring big effort". Someone else doesn't need to give it to me. I don't even need to earn it -- although I enjoy doing so. It simply lives with me, in my heart, in my sphere of influence as soon as I ask for it. And it's there, waiting for me to claim it as my own, to bring it into my life experience, as part of me.

That is amazing! For this, I am grateful

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Feeling Good about Great Abundance

A quote I read yesterday morning (and again today!):

"You have to feel good about great abundance before you will allow the pleasure of great abundance to flow into your experience."

-- Abraham-Hicks

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday Wonders

Wow. Today has been incredible. First of all, I got tons done. Second, I had tons of deals being presented to me. Third, I didn't succumb to fear around how I'm going to fund them lots of powerful things happened:

1. A lender agreed to look at funding an unconventional deal
2. A colleague called to talk shop and he told me he'd hook me up with his local bankers
3. I heard about a new lender to check out
4. I spoke at length with a new, highly liquid cash partner

Plus, I had a cool oil experience in the post office.

I went to the post office and was wearing my Abundance oil and the postal guy says "Who's wearing the Patchouli?! It reminds me of the 60s!" I had to giggle because I knew this was a direct result of last night's training and letting go of resistance.

So I told him it was me and that it was actually a oil blend called Abundance. I said, "I wish I had some on me cause I'd let you try some." And he said "Where can I get it?" I said direct sell and I'm a rep. All I need is your billing info and I can create an account and have them overnight it. He was busy with customers and balked a slight bit (I think I jumped to fast) so I gave him my card and wrote some info on the back. I'm going to go back and take some oils and put them on them.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the whole post office smelling so awesome! Hehehehe!

Oh my God! It's Wednesday!

Here's a cute little abundance trick I enjoy using.

Supposed today was your friends birthday and you had forgotten until you see them. What's a possible thing you would say: "Oh my God! It's your Birthday!"

Or supposed you woke up last Sunday and forgot to set your clock back an hour. What's a possible thing you would say: "Oh my God! I get an extra hour!"

Consider that this attitude of joyous surprise -- sheer delight actually -- could be just as applicable to the ordinary as it is to the extra-ordinary. How would that change your daily view point? Hm?

Oh my God! It's Wednesday!!

Never-Ending, Ever-Increasing Abundance

This morning I awoke with an amazing insight:

"There is a Never-Ending, Ever-Increasing flow of Abundance, on every level, coming into my experience every day!!"

This was the first thought as I awoke and I KNEW, without a shadow of a doubt, that I believe it as 100% true. It has taken me months, if not years, to reach this point. It's awe-inspiring and powerful to feel. And I attribute much of this growth and shift to both Young Living's Abundance Oil and my ongoing study of the Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing.

Think about it!! A never-ending, ever-increasing, always-flowing, never denying, flow of Abundance. Do you realize what believing this means? It means that whatever I want, I no longer need to control. Whatever I wish for, I no longer need to make happen. Whatever is in front of me can simply be flowed through and not struggled through. That the secret is trusting and flowing. Trusting and surrendering. ALLOWING things to come into being, rather than forcing, coercing or making them happen.

What a relief!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Moving through the stuck points!

It's really amazing how things can really get flowing once you move through the stuck points!

This morning I fired my rehab contractor. Mmmm. Felt good. I never actually reached him, but I terminated the contract in writing and wrote what I expect should happen to clean up the loose ends. I'm resolving this on Thursday so the repairs can be finalized and I ca get the house profitable.

That...felt....good. (And scarey.) But it was necesary.

And tonight, I had a HUGE block at the Young Living training hosted by my friend. I'm grateful for the knowledge of when I am resisting or shutting down. But this was painful. I was accutely aware of myself shutting off. However, I was also willing to ride it out. And from that I became further more convinced on how I want things to manifest in my life -- with ease and little action or effort.

In driving home I was grateful for knowing that I want to manifest in such a manner. Sure, I get blocked and stuck. But once I move through those points, there is SUCH a lovely release of energy. My boat gets moving downstream again, going with the flow.

I pulled into my parking garage and simply said "Alright Universe! You build my Young Living business. You provide consisten funding for my real estate investment deals. You deliver the love of my life. I'll sit back and do the best thing I can do: trust, believe, expect and appreciate."

Thank God for the stuck points that sharply contract our more flowing moments. In them I learn. And when I don't judge and simply go with them, they transform to more abundance!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Abundance = Open to new ideas = Going with the flow = Power

I'm tired, so I'll make this short.

Today I had two amazing things happen. First, in the morning, a friend suggested a strategy for the house I'm rehabbing that I hadn't even considered. It was out of the blue and a very strong strategy which will enable me to profit more rapidly AND over time.

The cool thing is that I could sense it was important extra information and didn't dimiss it.

Second, in the evening, that same friend pressed a point about how I'm handling the delay in the rehab I'm doing. She pointed out that I've been patient enough and now I need to put my foot down. I got angry about the situation -- which was good and appropriate -- especially after the disappointment of loosing two deals in a row. :(

The cool thing about this, even though it was a difficult conversation that I had massive resistance around (hello, that alone was indicator enough) was that once I admitted I needed to take action, my disappointment cleared, and I felt my power come back. I also realized that it was the logical next step in learning this piece of my business. I've tried micro-managing. Didn't work. I tried the hands-off approach (admittedly partially out of fear) and that didn't work. And now, I get a clear picture of how to manange this:

Empower my team to do their best to make their part happen, while I hold the vision and offer course corrections and clarifications. That way I guide the ship, without actually doing the rowing!

Oh and I got $750 today!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Deals, deals and more deals!

So while we're handling the mix-up on the wire transfer and calming the seller and, and, and -- 3 more sweet deals land in my lap!

One I already have a contract on. It was verbally accepted last Friday. I signed the final contract today. It has a 50K profit after rehab. Another is a sweet flip in Lee's Summit, MO -- just outside of KC. Crazy price versus value, with $130K in profit. Even more if we finish out the basement! And then another deal that fell through with another investor and is readily available. That has 50K profit in it.

That's $230K in profit. Split two-ways (because I'm partnering with people) and I make 115K. That doesn't count the one I'm closing on tomorrow and the one I"m currently rehabbing and selling. And you know what's the most incredible thing about this? It can easily happen in the next 2-3 months. Yup. By New Years in fact. I've never made that much money in a year's time, much less 2-3 months. Now that's totally letting the Universe out dream me!

Thank you Universe!

Finally closing! (more lessons in letting go)

Wow. Amazing day. Started sort of the same way the day before ended -- not knowing what was up with my closing on this 4 bedroom flip in KC. Then I had a semi-good meditation. Man, was I distracted. This turned into a good cry and a deeper letting go of the whole situation. I had tried everything and couldn't see anything else to do. I'd even put this closing on the Universe's side of my Placemat Process for yesterday.

Funny thing is, after my cry, a thought/inspiration came to me. I thought of calling my business partner for this deal at his work number. His J.O.B, which I had never called him at. And sure enough, I got it. First time in 3 days! And write before he was leaving his desk.

Turns out the wire never went through. Typo. Hah! Don't you just love Mercury retrograde? LOL

Well, we settled that issue and we're closing tomorrow -- regardless! When this deal flips in December, I stand to make 35-50K!

But it gets better...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Enjoying the Contrast

One of the most common misunderstandings about life -- for me and many others -- has been thinking that things should be different than they are. Especially when I'm steeped in contrast!!

By contrast, I mean any life experience that makes me realize I want something to be different, to feel bad and then to have to readjust myself and my thoughts.

For years, I've been judging the contrast I experience, even while I'm deeply in it. Well, this just creates more contrast -- more pain. I am learning in the last year to appreciate the contrast for the creative juices it stirs. Heck! It lets me know I don't want something, which lets me know more about what I do want and then I HAVE A CHOICE.

What does this have to do with abundance?

Well, contrast is everywhere. It's part and parcel of the creative soup of life. We are regularly in and out of it. It is, in and of itself, abundant.

So when we successfully adjust and do not condemn it or us, and just focus on finding "Why this is the best thing that could have happened," as an old friend of mine likes to say, then we have more peace than pain. It's a "silver lining" thang.

For example, I've been waiting all week to hear about this money transfer from one of my business partners. This money was due in Kansas City on Monday, in order to close on my next investment property. The money was delayed till Tuesday. However, it's still not shown up at title on Wednesday. I have been unable to reach my friend for 24 hours. That's a lot of contrast. A lot of potential angst.

But through out the process, I have transmuted my anxiety, fear and confusion into laughter, letting go and appreciating how little control I have over the situation, other than in how I feel.

And what's been happening is that I've been presented with 2-3 other excellent deals! Go figure.

Today, I invite you to find the abundance in your contrast. Let me know how it goes.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Abundantly Peaceful

I'm finding it interesting where I'm finding abundance lately. After completely letting go of the outcome of my current property rehab -- and trusting that whenever and however it gets done, it will get done and it will then sell quite quickly -- I find myself incredibly peaceful.

In fact, peace infused my day. It flowed easily and effortless. There were two things that could have thrown it off -- not closing on my next deal today and having my Internet and VOIP phone go down for approximately 3 hours -- but they didn't. Not at all.

So peace was the theme of my day.

Within that peace, came a wonderful productive, a view of the world from a very open, calm perspective. A very profound sense of financial prosperity was accompanied by it. So much so that at one point today, when I thought of how much money I'd like to make per month, at a minimum, and said to myself, "I want to make $xx,xxx per month from now on", the thought seemed and felt obvious and believable and doable. A kind of "well of course" feeling inside. Like it was a logical, practical and reachable next step.

Abundance can come in the oddest ways. And it starts from the inside.

Looks like November will see me make that much and more! I think I'll let the Universe out-dream me for once! Or at least to inspire me to dream bigger. :)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What's been going on (Part II)

Friday -- a very abundant day

* signed and delivered the closing papers for my next deal and....
* found out I'm getting another deal. and....
* found an awesome new general contractor. and...
* witnessed a friend's success and joy at his book launch party. and...
* saw an old girlfriend, which was nice. and...
* found my heart opening to someone new -- someone I appreciate as a friend/acquaintance, but who I also now appreciate as a woman. that was a fun surprise. to connect so strongly and have my heart opened. cool! and...
(see it was very a abundant day!)
* hung out with 3 friends who I rarely spend time with all together and had a blast. and...
* supported a jazz singer friend of mine by showing for her second set at La Ve Lee.


* one of my great joys is teaching people how to play the game Cashflow, created by Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". We had a great time today, learning who to read financial statements and how to get out of the rat race and become financially free. Anything I can do to remain focused on this goal is immensely rewarding. And helping others reinforces that.


* I'm always fascinated when I meet new people who hold a certain kind of energy. Today, after dance, I met two women who were and are, utterly delightful to know and spend time with. I love being absorbed into and surrounded by the beauty that is women. In and of itself -- with no action required -- is pure bliss. Dance was too.
* I finished the day by sharing dinner with my best friend Lea. She moved to Colorado back in June and I haven't seen her since. We are such birds-of-a-feather and complete goofballs that I cannot help feeling better and that all is well in the world, after sharing good chats and good eats with her. Thank you Lea, for your loving friendship!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What's been going on.

Wow, I haven't written since Tuesday morning! My goodness. Well, I'll just do a quick summary catch-up of the week and move on.


* The day was full of thoughts about this new awareness regarding relationships. I didn't put much effort into it. But the seed was planted


* Powerful day. I was in fear at first, regarding the details for the funding of my next deal. I spent a few hours in and out of funk. But then I decided to focus on creating a great event that night, for the Abundance Party I hosted. About 2 hours after I switched focus, the call finally came in. We're 100% go for closing on Monday!
* The Abundance Party rocked! Great people showed up and the vibe was really high. I facilitated 3 games/exercises to get us in-touch with receiving more abundance. Then we chatted about the Young Living oils and had a veritable sniff-fest, enjoying all the oils. It really was incredible and we're doing it again November 3rd!


* I woke up completely blissed out from the party. And stress free. I offered this game on Wednesday called the Placemat Process. It's from Abraham-Hicks. Well, it's simply a way of letting go and shifting focus by delegating tasks to the Universe. On Thursday, I realized over half of what I wanted to do could be given to the Universe to handle. And the day was smooth. I even bought a cool new mobile device -- the Helio Ocean.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I had a funny thought last night as I was getting ready for bed. "There's absolutely no reason why I can't have a girlfriend/partner/lover in my life right now!"

This, although still a tad bit negative, is really a huge realization. And while most of my abundance blog has been focused on money -- which many people also want great abundance in -- I have the desire for abundance on all levels: even love and relationship.

So this morning, I took a closer look at this statement, trying to spin it even a tad bit more positive. I still haven't locked in on something that aligns with how I'm feeling inside; that I can complete get behind and resonate with. The best I have come up with is this:

"Given that I can have a new relationship at any time I want, and I am in no hurry for one, I willing release any resistance to allowing that into to manifest in my life right now."

That's close. But I am 100% certain of one thing: that from now on, I will only have wonderful, glorious relationships with women who are a perfect match for me. I made that decision yesterday and totally believe it.

Note I didn't say perfect woman, just perfect match. :)

And so I am feeling even more abundant in the area of love as well.

Abundance in the Un-received and Unseen

I awoke this morning thinking about the nature of abundance. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we often limit our view of this amazing topic to what comes directly to us. When in actuality, it's always all around us. Reminds me of that movie "Love Actually".

So for example, when I first began to practice visualizations based on the Law of Attraction -- or more accurately the Art of Allowing -- as taught by Abraham, I would visualize the kind of woman I wanted to be with. Admittedly, this was very challenging, because I've always had this aversion to being super specific about that area of my life. Coming from a place of lack always made me think I should keep my options open. Now I know that being clear and specific -- knowing what I want -- actually increases the chance of it occurring, not the other way around.

Anyways, as I was choppily practicing these visualizations, I would begin to notice women who looked like her while I was out and about. This made me realize that there really is a massive amount of what we want, available in the world.

And of course, it's there whether we see it and notice it or receive it or not! So the deeper question is "Do you have enough trust to believe it's there, even when you can't see it?"

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Money's Coming!

Today, I heard from one of my banks on the deal I'm working on. They can't fund it. And I'm calm about it. Because I truly believe I have a cash partner who will buy the deal with me. As they say, 50% of something is better than nothing!

So I'm not nervous, or fearful, or anything except excited. I KNOW in my heart, that all is well, that the money is coming to pay for this deal and it is simply a matter of when, not if.

There's a lot to be said for aligning with what you want and then allowing that abundance to manifest, with intention.

Time to put more oil on. Let's see what happens today!! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Catching up from the weekend

While nothing new monetarily happened, I did have an abundant weekend on other fronts.

A dear friend came to my house Saturday morning and gave me a Raindrop treatment with a gazillion different oils. It was incredible. Part massage, part aromatherapy and part oily intake. It was stimulating, fun and relaxing.

Saturday night I realized I have permanently left behind the old way of thinking. I was at a session with one of my spiritual advisers and I started to ask the question "When will the money I want come to me?" What struck me was how "old" that question was. Like from a previous, more fearful me. And I realized that was a story that is no longer relevant. The money is ALREADY HERE. Wonderfully and magnificently and abundantly here. So I asked another question! :)

And today, I spent the day enjoying feelings of prosperity in regards to love and relationships. I was literally basking in the light of feeling immense love and appreciation for m next girlfriend/partner/lover. I actually saw a woman -- a neighbor in fact -- who I think is quite beautiful. It was a lovely reminder and match to my feelings inside!

See, I've learned recently that it's not the thing we want. It's the feelings we want. And to cultivate the feelings ahead of time, inside ourselves, truly pre-paves the way for allowing that thing to come into our life.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I got $2 MIllion!!

Well, not quite. But when you total up ALL the money that has been floating around me this last week -- be it in raising the 30K, looking for a private lender for my deal over the weekend, talking to mortgage brokers during the week, or partner discussion today -- I think it's well over $2 million.

$ 30K - money I raised last week
$285K - amount I needed for the loan on the 10-unit I didn't get
$250K - amount I need to buy and fix the 4-bedroom flip
$800K - total amount of money mentioned in a phone call to a private lender lead
$200K - money mentioned as availalbe through a colleague's clients, per client!
$500K - total amount stated as available from a prospective business partner

For a grand total of $2,065,000!


Sure, only $30K of that ACTUALLY directly came into my experience this week. But so what. I've never, ever discussed this much money in a year, much less a week!

Think about it. We are SOOO limited to looking just at the specific dollars that come into our wallets and bank accounts, through the specific means and at specific times. How much money are we actually talking about or indirectly dealing with on a daily basis?

Makes you re-think exactly what "abundance" is, doesn't it?

Letting go = opening up to abundance!

Today was really simple. I had some emails to do, work up an evite and keep the ball rolling on funding my deal.

And the adundance oil was working overtime today!

Funny thing was that other than one call in the morning, one email to a lender and a few procedural emails to another lender, I didn't spend any time looking for financing today. I didn't even think about it! But it found me, in true Law of Attraction style!

Most noteworthy were two phone calls.

The first came in the middle afternoon. A colleague I had recently met called to inquire about the house I am selling and the flip I am buying, chat about his properties and get some referrals in Kansas City. And then, out of nowhere, we started talking about financing. Come to find out, he has several clients who do that. He said he'd discuss it with them. Sweet!! More possible sources of funding.

The second call, which just ended, was even more incredible.

It was from a former colleague at a job I worked, who is an accomplished investor, but quite modest about it. I had been trying to reach him for months to discuss the potential for him to be a lender or to partner with. But I was VERY resistant to the partnering idea. I wanted to do it myself and have all the profit myself! Hmph! :)

Well, come to find out, we're on the exact same wavelength, he's got funds to use, excellent credit and employment history, he can fund my next deal and he wants to do a lot of deals.

Oh my God! I was just besides myself! I was so excited I called my realtor to share the good news. It's so amazing to be experiencing SO MUCH abundance. I feel so blessed right now.

I just wanna do deals!!! (Sigh)

Last night was a major turning point for me. Huge.

I went to dinner, needing a break from the "struggle" of trying to find funding for my next deal, the disappointment from losing the last one, and a little fear of losing the next one. And as I was finally relaxing, I thought "I just wanna do deal. I just wanna do deals. I don't care how that happens or through who, I just wanna do deals. %50 of something is better than nothing."

In that moment, it was like my brain sighed. I know that sounds weird. But something shut off. A my resistance and blocking slipped away. I realized there was more than one way to skin a deal, to borrow a phrase, and that if partnerin helped me close deals, by golly, I was going to partner. Sure, the profits would have to be split. But I just wanna do deals.

And today, I feel light as a feather and connected to the stream of abundance!! I'm ready to stop trying to do everything myself and I'm open to other ways of accomplishing my goals!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Letting go and allowing

Well, today was the last ditch effort to keep the deal I've been trying to do alive. Quite honestly, it had about as much hope as a snowflake in an oven! :) But the experience has been very informative for me.

I've learned a bit more about how we can block abundance by being so set on how one thing comes about. I think the big turning point today was the quote from "Notes from the Universe". Do you get those? No? The rock!

Here's the actual quote:

"Disappointment over any affair in life, turn of events, or twist of "fate," Greg, always reveals that the affair, event, or occurrence was viewed as a "how" towards achieving something greater like love, joy, or a new 'ride' with spinning hubcaps, which now seems even further out of reach.

Both profound misunderstandings. HUGE.

Good thing, huh?
The Universe"

Okay, so here's what I realized. I want financial freedom. I want love. I want joy and fun adn fulfillment. But there's a gazillion different ways for those to come about. And when I lock onto one specific way, I block all the others. Or when I make one way THE ONLY way (in my head) of getting what I desire -- authentically and truly desire, not in a childish way -- then I block it from coming.

Tricky thing that, eh?

See, when we're not blocking, there is no such thing as childish, selfish or egotistical desires. All desires are natural. Unless we're blocking. Ay there's the rub!

How much abundance can you allow into your life?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When Abundance oil doesn't seem to be working

So the big gift today was a powerful awareness about the nature of the Abundance oil. This awareness was triggered by having rather challenging experiences this past Sunday and Monday, to the point where, on Monday, I felt like the oil wasn't working. I was clearly off-kilter and no where having the run of abundance I had the week prior. Not that a huge run of abundance is necessary every day. But yesterday, it was like anti-abundance. Or, an abundance of challenges. (So technically that IS still abundance.) Anyways...

What I realized today was that the Abundance oil really works with where you're at. For example, as is true with most anything, if you believe it will work, then it will. However, what if you believe it will work and it "doesn't"?

(Okay, now I'm having a deja vue, how odd).

Well, I actually think it is working still. If what the detail sheet on this oil says is true, and the oil enhances the frequency of the energy field that surrounds us, thereby creating the frequency associated with the "law of attraction", then I think that the oil actually acts as an enhancer or magnifier of where we're already at. Instead of an outright stimulus for instant manifestation.

Why else would some people use it and have no real results (unless they're just not looking at things through the right pair of glasses) while other people have hot-off-the-presses amazing weeks (like mine last week)?

Knowing what I know and have studied about the Law of Attraction, what you focus on you become. So while the oil can help elevate and shift ones focus, if there is a solid practiced belief that is creating resistance in one's life -- like my panic, urgency and disappointment over possibly loosing this real estate deal over the weekend -- then I do not think the oil can work to it's fullest potential without the inside work being in alignment.

See, on Monday, once I fully let go of trying to control the situation or of needing a specific outcome, that's when everything shifted. And I was practically bathing in the oil all day long.

Something to think about. If you're using the Abundance Blend and getting "sketchy" or limited results, check out what you're focusing on. If it's negative or lower vibration, you might need to shift your focus and clean up your frequency so that the Abundance Blend can actually do it's trick. In fact, I believe YL has some oils just for that purpose!

An interesting insight.

So the rest of today was pretty darn amazing. I found out the bank didn't approve the funding for the deal I was worried about over the weekend. But even better, the agent on the seller's side contacted us and asked if there was anything else we could do and suggested talking to the bank to try to assume the loan! So the deal's still alive!

Then a woman from San Diego called out of the blue today, responding to an old post I had on the San Diego Creative Investors web site. She is looking for a lot of different deals in Kansas City AND has money available as a financing partner. I talked to her about funding another one of my deals.

I had a private lender call me back and explain how we could work together . That conversation has finally begun and is no where near over!

I had an amazing conversation with a friend in need, discussing how powerful we are even when we're feeling powerless and how her supposed lack of power is just misdirected power!

I was offered a wonderful discount Raindrop treatment tomorrow.

But most wonderfully of all, today I realized something very important about this oil, which I will share in the next post!

Everything moving again!

Things are definitely moving again. My meditation felt really high this morning and I felt connected to the abundance of life and the world of possibilities. And when I opened my email, there was word on some offers I put out and we're in counter offer status on a few. Which is very good.

Today is really gonna pop. I believe it! More later...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't take score too soon!

Today was HARD. It's interesting to note that given my challenged vibration today, how much harder it was to notice abundance. As of right now, it appears the deal I was hustling to fund over the weekend is now defunct. No word from the lender. No word from private people who could possible fund it. And to top it off, my phone was out of order for a few hours in the morning.

While lunching with a friend, I realized these were all signs for me to let go. And I remembered something a mentor passed onto me, that he was told by Abraham. "Disappointment is taking score too soon!"

I always get a fun image when I remember that quote. It's kind of like being at a football game at half-time and you team is behind by 7 points and saying, as you exit the stadium in a huff, "That's it! We've lost!" And then not returning to the game. Wait a minute! There's still half a game left and they're only behind by one touchdown!

Don't take score too soon. In fact, never take score. Celebrate EVERY completion.

So once I let go and was willing to move on, things began moving again. Especially my feeling of abundance!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A little more quiet today

Not that much happened today. I was admittedly busy with friends and taking my afternoon nap. :) But a two interesting things did happen.

First, one of my business partners got wind of a local deal that could net some decent profits if acquired properly. So we were brainstorming on that a bit.

Then at dinner, due to a few errors in the kitchen, I got my entire meal comped. Of course, I had to ask politely. But heck, it was still free.

Sunday's are usually a light day for me energetically anyways. But come tomorrow, I am expecting an incredible week!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm actually having fun with this now!

I have to admit that non-stop stories of abundance were overwhelming the first few days. But today, I'm actually getting used to it. And not just getting used to it, but enjoying it. Of course, the Law of Attraction states that that which you put out (focus upon) attracts more of the same. So it's no wonder it's this cool, funky domino effect of abundance stories. But the oil is definitely doing something.

Today I went to a real estate investment club meeting and met a whole bunch of people. One guy has 4 duplexes in Kansas City he is trying to sell. Another wants to buy rent-ready properties and make cash flow so he can retire in 5 years. Another gal wants distressed properties and to piggyback on my work. And another person have lots of money available to them.

I have to admit that I was a bit nervous about the money I need to come up with by Monday, so I was not very locked in with my intention that morning. But for not being intentional, that's still pretty good influx of abundance!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday - Day 5

Today's story is less subtle and a bit challenging to see where the abundance is in it. But it's there. Just wait.

I got a big scare today. Today I was supposed to close on this 10-unit apartment building I am buying in Kansas City. But the bank hasn't given word yet. All we needed was a term sheet and commitment letter and the seller would stop panicking and we can close next week. But nothing yet. Nada. Zilch.

Essentially, unless the bank pulls a miracle. I need at least $185,000 to be wired to KC by Monday, October 15th at 3pm Pacific. Or no 10-unit for Greg.

Man, I got scared for about 20 minutes. Was really feeling that crisis of faith. Then I pulled it together, said a few prayers and put some more oil on. If I got I can get 6 times that over the weekend. But I didn't know where to start. I made a few calls, helped some friends and get thinking things over, waiting for inspiration.

Now, you need to understand something about me. I do not like to act from a place of fear or urgency. Gnarly, painful results come from it. Nor am I the type of person who "powers through" or trys to make something happen. I like to act from a place of inspiration and intuitive thoughts. And I was running dry.

So how is this an abundance story. Well, I decided until I have any more ideas, to just hang tight and focus on envisioning buying the building, signing the paper work, etc. Everything I've been picturing. The deal is mine. Period. I own this building.

And then, the miracle happens. Tonight I was talking to a friend on the phone -- a fellow investor who is eager and new, who I am helping a bit. So, without thinking about it, and mostly cause she likes to here about my deals, I told her what was going on. She asked how much I needed. I told her. Then the magic words: she had a good friend for whom that amount is a drop in a bucket.

Whoa! No freakin' way! Amazing.

We got on the phone and called him and left a message.

And you know what is even more freaky? As I was asking her friend's name, I knew she was going to say "David" before she even opened her mouth.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Um, I Lost Count. :)

...but I know this is number 2 today. (Phew!)

So I got the money today and deposited it into my account. Easy-breezy. Lender should be happy now. Then I rang up my realtor and told him about getting the money and depositing it into my account. Dude practically fell off the phone, if that's possible.

Essentially, I found and deposited $30,000 in less than 24 hours! He's like "I'm a believer man. Don't know how you did it, but you sure worked some magic!"

And then out of the blue, he tells me about this other deal he's doing where he may loose it because the buyers are getting a nasty divorce and are pulling out of the deal. My ears pricked up. Large single family worth 118K. Purchase price agreed at 57K. Low rehab and good area. I asked for more numbers, ran them through and said I'd buy it. We'll find out next week.

Another great deal without any effort on my part. I'm a believer too Josh!

OMG! I Just Thought of Something

When I woke up today, about an hour ago. I was feeling incredible. I'm about to get 30K and save my deal. Phew. Then it hit me. I'm about to get 30K! Whoa! In the flash of an instant, that 30K opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

First, a lot of lender in my business want to see that an investor has reserves -- back up money for loan payments, essentially. I haven't had any. So I've had trouble qualifying with these lenders.

But after today, I WILL have some. Whoa. Now I can get them to fund my deals!!!

But that's not all. I realized, that if I could get a loan for this deal at a 9 month term instead of 12, I woudl need less reserves and could use 5K to pay my expenses during the rehab. Meanwhile, my colleauge is making a killer interest rate on the deal and we're all making money!!!

Didn't I just ask, on Tuesday, for a large disbursement of cash so I can pay my bills this month while I do these deals? Whoa. Freaky!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

...And On

The next abundance occurrence today was even more surprising than the hair cut one! (check the previous post for any needed back story).

Prior to heading off the the haircut, I got an email from the mortgage broker looking for a Hard Money Lender for my next two deals. One, is due to close this coming Friday, 10/12. The other on 10/18. So we were in crunch time!

(For those that don't know, a Hard Money Lender is a private person of organization that lends private money to real estate investors to help them purchase and rehab distressed or foreclosed properties -- without using any of the investor's own money!)

His email essentially said that I need to come up with $30,000 in reserves (something that is held and not touched, but can be used as a back up to pay the loan payments when they come due) in order to do the deal. Shit!

Wait. Okay. This has to be possible. I know this deal is mine. I cannot rationally explain it, but I've closed the deal, rehabbed the property, stood in the finished building, met the new tenants and seen the cash flow in my mind. I know it's done.

So before the haircut, I started emailing a few people then had to go.

When I came back from the appointment, a colleague had written back saying "Sure. What do we need to do."

I can't believe it! My deal is saved and I'll have 30K in reserves by end of Thursday. Wooohooo!

The Beat Goes On...

It's Wednesday. Day 3 of this already amazing process. Okay. So at this point I’m not sure whether it’s me and all the abundance work I’ve been doing over the last few month or whether it's the oil itself. If anything, I feel like the oil is accelerating and heightening the work that I have already been doing. Get a load of this….

So I needed a haircut today. Badly (for me). My stylist had moved to New York City in early September and she was the only person who had ever cut my hair consistently well in years. I didn't know where to go or who to trust, without getting gouged in the wallet. A close friend suggested going to the beauty school in North Hollywood and getting a cut there. So I booked an appointment for later that afternoon and went in, unsure what to expect, but surprisingly calm.

It cost me $7. And was the BEST haircut I have EVER had. Hands-down. No dispute.

Sure, it's not money in my pocket. But it helps keep more where it belongs. And it was a go0000od haircut. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

First YL Customers!

Tonight I showed some oils to some friends, let them smell the Abundance and Lavender oils and taste Peppermint. And they wanted the Abundance oil. So one signed up as a customer and the other as a distributor. What a full day of abundance. Let’s see what happens tomorrow!!

Number 3 & 4 – How Cool!

Okay, now it’s really rolling. I just spoke to my general contractor who is fixing up the house I bought in KC last week. He told me that it was important and that a woman was at the house with a $100,000 pre-approval letter and they wanted to know about how much I was asking. Sweet!!

And then he told me about the house next door on the left being vacant and in need of serious work. I had already asked one of my realtors to investigate the house on the right side and see if they wanted to sell. But I didn’t know the house on the left side was vacant, which is even a better opportunity.

This is all incredible. Now I’d just like to receive a large disbursement of cash this week so I can pay my bills this month while I do these projects!!!

Time to go put more of that oil on!!!

Number 2 - No Way!

When I turned on my computer this morning I got an incredible, unheard-of opportunity. My realtor in Kansas City had received a call regarding a house in a very well-to-do neighborhood, in pristine condition, needing very little work. The house is valued at around $800,000. The bank only wants $408,000. The potential profit after a nice rehab is over $200,000. Maybe even more!

And I haven’t even put my oil on yet today! Although, yesterday afternoon after showering, I did slather it all over myself.

Another coincidence?! I don’t think so.

Monday, October 8, 2007

My First Experience

I just received my oil today and had put in on various spots of my body and had a few sniffs – man it smells good!! Anyways, about an hour later my friend was finishing up a Space Clearing session she was doing -- which, btw, is a cool service -- for the house I just bought.

(For those who don't know, I happen to be a professional real estate investor and I was buying a house to quickly and quietly flip.)

So what happened was that I thought she was going to charge me $250 for this service. But she's only charging $175. So I saved $75! Just hours after putting my oil on.

Coincidence? Maybe…now I'm curious to see what else occurs!


Welcome to the Amazing Abundance Blog!

I started this blog on October 8th, 2007 in order to document and tell the amazing stories of abundance unfolding in my life ever since I began using Young Living's Abundance(TM) oil blend. Originally, the blog existed solely on my computer, in a lonely little Microsoft Word document. But in a fit of inspiration, I knew the blog needed to be published on line. That people all around the world -- both Young Living distributors and not -- needed to read these inspiring stories.

These happenings will BLOW your mind. Truly. So will the oil! ;)

Now before getting into this further, there's a first story to tell. The story of why I purchased the Abundance oil.

I've been a Young Living customer since June 2005, right before I move to Los Angeles, CA. At that time, I purchase three specific bottles of oils: Peppermint, Envision and Highest Potential. I used all three fairly consistently for about a year, putting Peppermint in my water, wearing Envision like a cologne and using Highest Potential on my ankles. And I bought each for their specific qualities, which I will not get into right now.

About 3 weeks ago, I realized I had stopped using them and began using Envision and Peppermint again. Then on October 1st, 2007 I received an email from my dear friend who is a avid Young Living independent distributor. And she's on FIRE with the business. In this email, she forwarded a message from someone in her downline, who shared a story, much like the kind you'll find here, of how the Abundance oil was radically effective people.

At that moment I knew I needed it. See, I've been working with the principles of the teachings of Abraham (Law of Attraction and Art of Allowing and Segment Intending) for over a year now and beginning to have amazing results. But I knew that using the oil could actually heighten and encourage this frequency, or vibration, of attracting abundance. And that has been my theme ever since moving to LA.

So I upgraded from a Young Living (YL) customer to an independent distributor, also knowing that here was a reputable, viable means of attracting massive residual income without selling and doing nothing more than using the product and telling my stories.

And so this blog began. I hope you enjoy it!

Oh, and if you have a story you want me to post, send it over to me and I'll post it into the blog for you.

~ Greg