Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Letting go and allowing

Well, today was the last ditch effort to keep the deal I've been trying to do alive. Quite honestly, it had about as much hope as a snowflake in an oven! :) But the experience has been very informative for me.

I've learned a bit more about how we can block abundance by being so set on how one thing comes about. I think the big turning point today was the quote from "Notes from the Universe". Do you get those? No? The rock!

Here's the actual quote:

"Disappointment over any affair in life, turn of events, or twist of "fate," Greg, always reveals that the affair, event, or occurrence was viewed as a "how" towards achieving something greater like love, joy, or a new 'ride' with spinning hubcaps, which now seems even further out of reach.

Both profound misunderstandings. HUGE.

Good thing, huh?
The Universe"

Okay, so here's what I realized. I want financial freedom. I want love. I want joy and fun adn fulfillment. But there's a gazillion different ways for those to come about. And when I lock onto one specific way, I block all the others. Or when I make one way THE ONLY way (in my head) of getting what I desire -- authentically and truly desire, not in a childish way -- then I block it from coming.

Tricky thing that, eh?

See, when we're not blocking, there is no such thing as childish, selfish or egotistical desires. All desires are natural. Unless we're blocking. Ay there's the rub!

How much abundance can you allow into your life?

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