Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Abundance in the Un-received and Unseen

I awoke this morning thinking about the nature of abundance. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we often limit our view of this amazing topic to what comes directly to us. When in actuality, it's always all around us. Reminds me of that movie "Love Actually".

So for example, when I first began to practice visualizations based on the Law of Attraction -- or more accurately the Art of Allowing -- as taught by Abraham, I would visualize the kind of woman I wanted to be with. Admittedly, this was very challenging, because I've always had this aversion to being super specific about that area of my life. Coming from a place of lack always made me think I should keep my options open. Now I know that being clear and specific -- knowing what I want -- actually increases the chance of it occurring, not the other way around.

Anyways, as I was choppily practicing these visualizations, I would begin to notice women who looked like her while I was out and about. This made me realize that there really is a massive amount of what we want, available in the world.

And of course, it's there whether we see it and notice it or receive it or not! So the deeper question is "Do you have enough trust to believe it's there, even when you can't see it?"

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