Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When Abundance oil doesn't seem to be working

So the big gift today was a powerful awareness about the nature of the Abundance oil. This awareness was triggered by having rather challenging experiences this past Sunday and Monday, to the point where, on Monday, I felt like the oil wasn't working. I was clearly off-kilter and no where having the run of abundance I had the week prior. Not that a huge run of abundance is necessary every day. But yesterday, it was like anti-abundance. Or, an abundance of challenges. (So technically that IS still abundance.) Anyways...

What I realized today was that the Abundance oil really works with where you're at. For example, as is true with most anything, if you believe it will work, then it will. However, what if you believe it will work and it "doesn't"?

(Okay, now I'm having a deja vue, how odd).

Well, I actually think it is working still. If what the detail sheet on this oil says is true, and the oil enhances the frequency of the energy field that surrounds us, thereby creating the frequency associated with the "law of attraction", then I think that the oil actually acts as an enhancer or magnifier of where we're already at. Instead of an outright stimulus for instant manifestation.

Why else would some people use it and have no real results (unless they're just not looking at things through the right pair of glasses) while other people have hot-off-the-presses amazing weeks (like mine last week)?

Knowing what I know and have studied about the Law of Attraction, what you focus on you become. So while the oil can help elevate and shift ones focus, if there is a solid practiced belief that is creating resistance in one's life -- like my panic, urgency and disappointment over possibly loosing this real estate deal over the weekend -- then I do not think the oil can work to it's fullest potential without the inside work being in alignment.

See, on Monday, once I fully let go of trying to control the situation or of needing a specific outcome, that's when everything shifted. And I was practically bathing in the oil all day long.

Something to think about. If you're using the Abundance Blend and getting "sketchy" or limited results, check out what you're focusing on. If it's negative or lower vibration, you might need to shift your focus and clean up your frequency so that the Abundance Blend can actually do it's trick. In fact, I believe YL has some oils just for that purpose!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There IS an oil for that. It's called Acceptance and it helps you to accept the abundance.