Monday, January 28, 2008

Diving Deeply into Our Hearts

What would our lives and the world look like if we all dropped "telling it like it is" and all our stories and reflections of "how it is" and blow-by-blow descriptions of what happened and who did or said what and focused exclusively and joyfully on how we wanted things to be?

What if we all went so deeply into our hearts that how we feel ends up mattering more than any perspective, belief, story or justification? If we were so profoundly heart-centered that we allowed that natural guidance to lead us and inspire us into the lives we truly want.

Things are changing my friends. For the better. Everyday is a chance to follow our hearts, to drop logic and reasoning and justifications. I know for me, it's been a long journey before finding Abraham. And now, that path to my heart is shorter, sharper and clearer than ever before.

Today, no matter where I am going, what I am doing or who I am doing it with, my dominant intention is to see that which I want to see, that which feels good to me, which I appreciate. And in so doing, I see more that I appreciate and that feels good, and in turn, feel more good and more appreciation.

Thank you to all my friends!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Magical Creation Box

Just before Christmas, and right after I bought my new furniture, I found myself willing to finally play a Law of Attraction game called "The Magical Creation Box".

Now, I've done an exercise like this before, called a God-jar (or God box). But there's a huge difference. Where as a God-box is used for letting go of something you're worrying or obsessing about, in order to free the mind, the Magical Creation Box is to create and concretize one's feelings for what one is creating. It is a concrete focusing the energy of Abundance.

So I went around looking for a box I felt good about when I saw it. Tough job. But I found one at Pier One, and even got it for 25% off, just for asking AND for being nice. (see photo above)

The next day, I sat down with some magazines and began looking for images I thorough enjoyed. I clipped and clipped and clipped and put all the clippings into this awesome box, saying "Whatever is contained in this box -- IS!" with each clipping. It was a blast.

I put in islands, travels, art work, sunsets, women and men together in romantic settings, boats, cruises, furniture, dream homes, new apartments, gobs of money and a list of 121 things I want in a girlfriend/life partner which I wrote a year ago to that day. Then I put the box back in it's resting place.

And on New Years, while looking at it, I realized something profound. Playing this game literally IS creating. If I clipped it and put it in with the saying, and if I truly believe and trust that this item IS, then I am actually creating it, just like the Universe does.

That's when I realized the true power and value of this game. It so closely resembles the dynamic of what actually happens when we have a desire and focus on that desire, that I was amazed. And in physically going through the steps with this game, it is an enormous alignment with what has already been put in motion. Wow!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Abundant Beauty

Last night I stepped into a realm of utter beauty and grace. I shared moments of heartfelt appreciation. And was entranced and enchanted by eyes so deep, beautiful and expressive that I cannot even begin to describe their impact.

And for this, I am filled with the utmost Appreciation.

I wish to linger in this pond of Abundance, as often as I can.

Happy Abundant New Year!!!

Welcome, everyone, to the year 2008! 2008 is a significant year because it holds an energy of fruition and manifestation. 2007 was a year of deep inner work -- releasing, purging, letting go, integrating, moving from fear to love, releasing again and re-integrating. As we move into a whole new year to play and celebrate in, all that work -- both inner and outer -- is now coming to fruition.

2008 will be a year where those who have done their best this past year to get more in alignment with their natural Well-Being and Abundance will begin to see, and more importantly truly FEEL, the fruits of their labors.

2008 is about making real, what has already been lived through, desired and felt.

Now once could say that this is what life is about. And I would be the first to agree. But not everyone is on board with this concept, much less the practice of it. I'm appreciating how much of my 2007 was spent shifting from physical and action effort, to inner and vibrational effort: manifesting more from the spiritual center and less from the outer effort.

However, most people don't live that way. So I believe we have periods of time which we can choose to use as instructional, so that may actually learn and integrate new information and practice new ways of thinking and being. Everyone is on a different time scale with this. But globally, I sense that 2007 was a year in which this took place.

So 2008 is a time to watch what unfolds from the practices and learning of 2007.

For myself, I learned more about real estate investing than I ever thought possible. I created learning after learning and story after story has been added to my arsenal of knowledge. I have also practices alignment and FEELING good and Appreciation more than ever in my life. And through these efforts, have come to know Abundance -- inside myself -- on a level I have never, ever known.

And so, I believe -- no, I KNOW -- what 2008 holds in store for me: ever-expanding, never-ending, every-increasing Abundance on every level. And this is my New Years wish for you, as well.

Thsi year, 2008, may you be well in your Well-Being!