Monday, September 29, 2008

No Such Thing as "Issues"

When I first got the concept that I didn't have to "go back" and re-hash or clean up anything from the past -- one that was hard to accept, due to many years of 12-step training -- and then began earnestly and willingly working with the contrast in my life as the source of my creative power and freedom -- which is pretty recent for me -- I began to think that there aren't really any "issues". It's all part of the life we came to create.

What is an "issue" anyways? Something we don't like, that we've focused on for longer than an insignificant amount of time and have created a story around that, whenever we think it, doesn't feel very good. And because we've been ignoring that wonderful indicator of how we feel, the story gets more and more ingrained in us.

"I'm selfish."

"I'm fat."

"Nobody loves me."

"Nobody understands me."

"No one will find me sexually attractive."

"I can't stop eating/drinking/smoking/drugging/crying/failing, etc...."

"My parents screwed me up."

I realize many of these hurt like the dickens (haven't used that phrase in ages! hehehe!). But that hurt is just a result of our continual focusing on these things. And by continually focusing on them, we over identify with them and they become stories.

Simply by understanding what the pain means, working with the contrast held within the experience and finding a better feeling story, the "issue" changes. And most importantly, whether it changes in an hour or in a year, we feel better.

Which though feels better? Which thought feels better? Which though feels better?

We have a choice!! Yay!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

When Your Heart Is Singing...

"When your heart is singing, you are allowing Well-being. When you are appreciating, you are allowing Well-being. When you are yelling at somebody, you're not. When you're feeling insecure, you're not. When you're frustrated, you're not."

~ Abraham-Hicks, from a workshop in St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, July 18th, 2000

This was very instrumental to me today. Early this morning, I got word that my current consulting position would be ending a few weeks earlier than expected. I had hoped to stay through October 22nd, but powerful creative forces are at work.

For one, I really wasn't happy there for the last many weeks. But I did something Abraham told me in August -- I rolled up my sleeves (mentally and emotionally) and got in their and CHOSE to play with the contrast. I leveraged the negative emotions and kept the focus on the wonderful unfolding of my future vision and my desires and how exciting that is for me.

All that work seems to be paying off, because despite thinking I needed the extra 4 weeks on the job in order to launch one of my new businesses, I'm now inspired to launch it early, which actually feels like perfect timing!

And when I realized I was angry after this news, I knew I had a choice -- keep telling (in my head) a story of injustice, unfairness, "it's too soon", "I'm not ready", etc.... OR forget about justifying my anger and figure out how this is the best thing that could ever have happened. Not to mention see this occurrence as something I created, as a part of the Universe orchestrating amazingly on my behalf, and celebrate and appreciate this unfolding.

Once again, within about an half hour to an hour, I had completed leveraged my anger, through the power of alignment, into exuberance, excitement, abundance and a strong feeling of endless possibilities.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Everything is Unfolding Perfectly

This morning I awoke quite late. I needed the sleep. I've had tons of energy and movement and expansion lately. Between what's going on at work and then working on my new business and re-incarnation of my Emotional Wizardry class.

Anyways, while slumbering in the early stages of waking up, I had a wonderful thought. "Everything is unfolding perfectly."

Some might call this polyannish, or overly optimistic, given the crazy headlines lately (which I'm not reading currently because I'm on a media fast!). Others might even think this is an attempt to convince myself or whistle in the dark, if you will.

But what those people are missing is that for me, the thought makes me feel good! It reminds me that all is well and that nothing can damage my being! It sets me back on course and back in faith of the eternally expanding nature of things. It's a good thought.

Remember, it's no longer about the power of positive thinking. It's about the power of positive FEELING by focusing on thoughts that feel good. The ones that work for me may not work for you. So find some good-feeling thoughts today.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Heavy (or is it Heavenly?) Contrast

Looks like I've got some more contrast up lately. By lately I mean the last week or two. It's funny because back in April when I went back to work, the contrast was up big time: credit cards in arrears; new work and commuting routines; portions of rent being slightly late (thank God for a great landlord!); disillusionment around my real estate investing and deep questions about what to do next.

Within about 3 to 4 months, all that calmed down for the most part. Although I had some healthy contrast in late July regarding my side business and all. But pretty much since mid-July to late August was a lovely, smooth, steady period.

It was much needed. I just relaxed and let things flow.

But in late August, as I was getting ready to announce my new Emotional Wizardry class, I was getting more antsy and anxious about things: unrest at work; feeling bored and distracted; caring less about the quality of my work; and that age-old "I'm not a career/employee person" story. Sure it's a valid preference of mine. But telling it as a story doesn't help but serve up some contrast.

I've even received a little bit more financial contrast and challenges. A firm stance from one of my lenders. Another financial matter causing desire for more income. And some changes in my bills and expenses.

In characteristic human observer mode, I've been getting a bit worried. To the point that it's been effecting my outlook and what I've been doing on a daily basis. But tonight, something clicked energetically in my head: I'm ready to move on.

Now that doesn't mean leave my contract job right now. It just means that energetically, I'm ready and wanting something different, more expansive, more serving of what I want. For one, I'd love my freedom of schedule back. For two, I'd love to make money simply by selling information products. And yes, maybe it even means leaving my contract job when the project is over. But what's great about this "click" is the feeling of being ready. I felt it very viscerally. And as soon as I did, I felt immense relief.

See, I have an old, old story about working for anyone other than myself. That story is that I will get stuck there, eventually bored, listless and unable to be of service. I used to try to push my way through. Or I'd leave before my time was due. But tonight, what I realized in this "click" was that I don't need to physically leave or make a change -- or even energetically leave -- in order to get what I want. I'm not stuck. I'm already becoming the new person I want to be. I've been setting that up for a long while now. And I've finally got something -- a message with products I can create around it -- that I can bring out to the world.

So my expanded self is already out there paving the way, playing the vanguard of my desires, while I can stay put in my current situation and milk it energetically for all it's worth.

I think this is what Abe was trying to tell me when I last took the hot seat.

Hmmm. Very interesting.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Alignment, Not Action, Produces Results.

On July 17th of this year I was given a profound vision of my life's work in the world. It came about as a result of some deep personal inquiry about how to advance to the next level of my consulting. I asked myself what, if anything, from my entire life, can I say I am an expert at? What do I know so firmly and powerfully that I could happily and easily teach it to anyone? What message do I want truly to carry out to the world?

As though a floodgate had opened, it occurred to me quite clearly, that I am an expert at the heart-space and emotions! Not just the emotions themselves but how they are a gateway into more power, freedom and ultimately greater creative control of our lives.

This last year and a half of hardship, contrast and expansion has taught me plenty about that. I struggled and suffered week after week through financial insecurity, driven deeper into the commitment to feel better -- no matter what -- before taking any outward actions. This flew in the face of much of what I had learned after 20 years in a 12-step program, not to mentioned the story all the successful people have been telling around me these last 18 months.

"You have to push through!"
"No pain no gain!"
"You can't think your way into a solution. You must act your way into it!"

Action, action, action. Millionaire guru after guru spoke to me about how important action was, that the millionaire mindset wasn't enough. And now, after over a year of action resulting in very little and leverage of the power of emotions resulting in so much more, I am convinced that, although action is important. It's alignment that is the most important. And our feelings are the gateway to that alignment. Only from there can we take truly right action, inspired action.

But it's not the action that produces the results. It's the alignment. And to carry this message to the world, I have created a workshop called Emotional Wizardry, through which I will teach the power of the leverage of emotions.

And I'm soooo excited! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Way I Feel Matters More Than Anything Else!

This morning I awoke feeling awesome (for a minute) then rolled over and started thinking about an email I received last night from a friend I have borrowed a large sum of money from. Ooh, bad move....

Needless to say, before I even got out of bed, I was feeling completely torn up about the situation, distressed , worried and disappointed.

But, thanks to the last year and a half of experience dealing with this nasty mornings, I knew that I was having those gnarly feelings because of the perspective I was choosing right then -- one of doom and gloom, things not working out the way we hoped, uncertainty and powerlessness, etc. I knew I had the choice -- and the power -- to feel better, without taking a stitch of external action. All just in my mind. So I worked for a few minutes trying to find a thought or story I could just feel even an ounce better about. Within about a half hour, I had created a whole new story of increased prosperity, abundance, financial responsibility, completion of the debt and a great celebration of the closure.

The rest of the day, I was able to call up that story again, when I felt worried about the situation, and replay it in my mind. And I got the same great feeling result. So much so, that most of today, I was walking around feeling a significantly improved vibration about every topic in my life -- even romance, which I've been a bit disgruntled with of late.

How did I know this? Well, for one, I felt great -- about everything. Even work. And for two, a really attractive woman glanced at me approvingly today as I was walking cross a street and I felt bold enough to look at her directly at a while till we both smiled. I even felt a little bit of a rush. So I knew I was "on" as we say.

I'm telling you -- this s*&t works! Faster and more simply and profoundly than any techniques I have learned through other sources. That's why I feel utterly compelled to teach these emotional-mental tricks to everyone!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Absolute Contentment

Tonight, I came home from work utterly exhausted. I was spent to the max! And I was supposed to have dinner with a friend this evening. So the minute I got home, I put some Thieves oil blend all over my head and neck -- I was feeling just a tinsy bit sickly -- and immediately plopped down on my oh-most-comfortable couch for a nap.

My friend arrived at about 8:00 and I awoke feeling groggy but much better. We walked over to Jerry's Deli and proceeded to have the most lovely dinner, chatting and keeping each other company. Comfort food, as she called it. It was delicious. And her company was lovely.

I came home in absolute contentment. I love that feeling.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Woke Up a Millionaire Today!

No, I didn't call "The Donald" at some ungodly hour of the morning! LOL! :) I'm referring to the vibration I awoke in this morning. It was amazing!! First thoughts, feelings and vibrations I experienced as I came out of my sleep this AM.

Not only did I truly feel it then and even now as I talk about it but...I believe it! That's what's really incredible.

It was delicious. There was so much abundance surrounding me and large amounts of money. It was like a powerful vision of what's to come -- and is!

The best part was that it wasn't just a vision of being a millionaire. But there was someone with me too. This incredibly beautiful, sexy blonde woman was there with me, as friend, lover and partner. I loved, adored and lusted after her profoundly. It was wonderful!

Of course, I'm partial to brunettes so what's up with the blonde, I have no clue! :) But honestly, for the way it felt, I won't be turning her out to the street anytime soon.

So every morning from now on, I attest that I will wake up a millionaire and have the most incredible girlfriend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Sign of Effortless Abundance

Ah, so much wonderful unfoldings happening right now. I'm really living a magical life and I love it.

For example, I went to participate in a research study tonight. I thought I was running late. So I checked inside and felt that I would get there right on the minute. I knew that was cutting it close and that I could possibly miss it, but I trusted that this was indeed what was going to happen.

I arrived to the office exactly at 5:30, the time it was too start. Signed in and then was escorted to a room for the study. But there had been a misunderstanding. They thought I was working for the research company! So they took me back to the lobby. Then, as they were gathering folks to go into the study, I ran to the bathroom and came back thinking, "Cool, I made it in!"

Well, they had me sit down and told me that they had overbooked and might be sending me home -- with pay! About 5 minutes later, they paid me $150 cash and sent me home!

Now hows' that for abundance coming to me in magical and effortless ways?! It's a wonderful sign for me and helps build my trust that dollars really can come to me without my having to work for them. Powerful!

Thank You for the Struggles This Past Year!!

This morning I was struck by a warm and lovely thought: had I not had all my experiences in 2007 and early 2008, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be primed and ready to bring a new message -- my message, Greg's message -- to the world. I wouldn't have learned so much about Law of Attraction and found practical ways of becoming even more of the powerful, positive manifestor that I am today. I wouldn't understand the intimate connection between our emotions and our outer manifestations.

In fact, had I reached the level of financial abundance I wanted in 200y by being a professional real estate investor, I'd probably still be doing it. I wouldn't have faced innumerable financial stresses and challenges, each one resulting in my desire to get a stronger handle on my vibration of abundance and what I was mentally and emotionally putting out there. Each attempt to feel better in the moment -- because nothing matters more than that I feel good -- deepening my resolve to feel better and expanding my trust and faith in the inevitability of my wealth and fortune.

Had I not dabbled in MLM and networking marketing in late 2007 and here in 2008 for the last few months, I would have never clarified and learnt more preferences around how hard I want to work and in which ways I want to work and allow my wealth. Years from now I might be still working on building teams and carrying someone else's vision and message. Instead I am returning to my roots in ways -- roots that were sparked 7 to 8 years ago, plus -- and preparing to carry my message. A message I cannot help but carry, because it is who I am and how I operate in the world.

Through both those experiences -- REI and MLM -- I have even refined more preferences. I'd still rather do solid real estate investing than an MLM. But I'd even like to find other investments and forms of building passive wealth.

But most importantly, this whole post is a sort of reflection on opening to a deeper understanding of the dynamic of life. If something isn't manifesting the way we want, then there's really only two perspectives: we're not in alignment with it and need to adjust our vibration -- via our emotional awareness and thinking -- to get in alignment with it OR we're in alignment with something different or some other form of this experience, but that this experience is necessary for getting to that eventual place of alignment. Either way, along the way, the most important thing is to feel good. And appreciation of as much as possible is the best way I know how!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Power of the Leverage of Alignment

This evening, I wrote an email to my team leaders in YTB (YourTravelBiz), an MLM company I joined in April, saying that I no longer feel aligned with the business anymore and am putting my energy into a new vision of my own. With letters like this, I often feel I need to explain things out so that people clearly understand where I'm coming from, explaining my process and various decisions and happenings along the way that they definitely were not privy to.

But this time, I didn't. I kept it short, sweet and to the point.

It was freeing. It felt great to be releasing this business -- one I never manifested a thing with in 4 months. (Important point to remember, in a moment). Later I received a long message back from one of them, with a lot of ideas about what that person thinks my experience was.

Now, at first I felt a little pissy about it. How dare she be so presumptuous about my experience, etc, etc. Then I remembered something Abraham says, which I used once when I was ending a friendship where the friend started judging my experience: "What you think about my experience is completely irrelevant!" That made me feel better. And it's true.

I half expected her to respond that way -- so of course, she did. But the cool part is that I don't agree with anything she said, nor do I feel it matters, as off-putting it was. Admittedly, I was tempted to write back and say that my decision has nothing to do with disappointment, that she doesn't understand me and that I am totally crystal clear (several things she assumed in her note). Despite saying she understands, she clearly doesn't. And you know what, I actually find that funny rather than offensive or worrisome. But mostly, I feel like I don't need her to understand, nor do I want to spend the cycles/energy even trying to explain myself.

Then again, a good question right now is: vibrationally does getting this response serve as a manifestational indicator of something going on in me; in my vibration? I have some doubts about leaving the business -- afterall I put some good money into it and hate throwing money away -- and I do wonder if it could be different. But my energy isn't in it. I am not inspired to do the work "required" to run an MLM business. Nor does the core of the business inspire me. The end result does -- financial freedom. But that's not enough for me. I need both the means AND the end to inspire and fire me. Tuned in, tapped in, turned on, 100% by it all, which I'm not. Otherwise, whatever I do is not in alignment for my greatest good and things do not unfold easily and effortlessly for me.

When I am in alignment, everything happens easily and quickly for me (for all of us really). I know this to be true! Just look at my life in the last 4 months...

I found a job within 1 week of going back to work in March of 2008. I manifested an hourly increase of $8 within 3 months after returning to work. I manifested the lover I had in June within 14 hours of declaring my desire for one. I manifested the three women I met in one weekend in SF! I manifested my new car in a 72 hour period! I already have several people in Los Angeles who want to take my class and 2 people in SF! And I know there's more on the way! I can feel it unfolding on a grand scale, even before it has unfolded. CDs, DVDs, radio shows, tv shows, speaking tours, weekend classes, all existing already. All I need to do is allow and align.

My life in recent months -- and before -- is proof positive of the creative power of the leverage of alignment!! That is how I want to live and work: using the leverage of my feelings to get into alignment with what is on it's way to me and allow and watch it all magically unfold.

I do not want the world of hard work and sacrifice that is rampantly touted in MLM and other businesses. Others can have that. I want ease and flow, going downstream toward everything I want and letting it all just unfold from the magic, mystery and power of the universe, which is mine -- and everyone's -- to use or not.

Others can work they way they want to and believe what they want. For me, I have chosen my path. The path of allowing. And I'm happy with it. I'm excited to be a vehicle for people's greater awareness, through a means I have studied my entire life: the emotions. I am honored to be doing this work and am happy and excited to be preparing for my class, classes and so much more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Preparation and Completion

I had such a great day today. LOTS is shifting in preparation for this new time. I feel a sort of completion happening -- I have mentioned that earlier -- as well as a lightening of the load and a sharper focus. Almost like I'm coming back to myself in an odd way. Back, and yet returning to a fuller, more expanded newer self. It's a very interesting feeling or sensation. Very expansive and very powerful. I know it has a lot to do with being in alignment and my expansive new vision for my life's work. Every time I tell a friend about this work I get so friggin' excited and can feel the expansiveness of it. I can feel the vision being real, right now. The next logical feeling and energetic step, as Abraham would say.

Much is coming to an end. And much is beginning a new. Very cool!

New Perspectives. New Endeavors. Changing Times.

Today I'm really excited!

I awoke this morning feeling refreshed and renewed. Then I started "rehearsing" the lines I've been telling myself for the last week about the project I'm on -- all of them resulting in not making me feel very good. Then, I caught it. The not-feeling-so-good feeling.

"Find something to appreciate in it Phillips!" I told myself. So I did!

So it's a slow week. Last week was crazy-busy and this week isn't. I'm willing to enjoy it instead of gripe about it. Perfect timing too, because things are starting to accelerate with my new project and vision. And hey, when I'm not pressured on the job, I can relax during the day more -- find stimulation in other things.

Also of import this week, is the culmination of my participation in the MLM (YTB). I am officially closing down my involvement this week with the intention of focusing solely on my new vision and channeling the unfoldment of that. Plus, I hadn't made any money really, was spending $50 a month and not making anything from that spending (versus my Young Living membership in which if I spend $50, at least I make some of it back!).

Plus, I decided I don't want to do the MLM thing the way other people do it -- all the recruiting and what not. Nor do I honestly want to be making people's travel arrangements for them. I don't like doing work for others that I would want someone else to do for me! So I'm out!!

Lastly, I'm regrouping all my various web domains, URLs and emails. For 7-8 years now, I've been using Clariscope as my main business name, domain and email. That, I am sensing, is about to change. I've decided to create some emails associated with this blog -- -- and begin marketing/promoting/encouraging people toward this site, instead of my other one. I've actually already redirected the clariscope domain to here!

In fact, I might shut down Clariscope all together and start afresh. Bold strokes, I know. :) Heck, it's been in my life for years. But here's the 411: the domain is hard to say and spell for people; I created it based on who I was 7+ years ago and I'm someone different now; my focus has changed and I want my email and web site to reflect that; and lastly, I really am starting something brand new, on a scale that has a bigger vision and bigger intentions than anything I've ever done with Clariscope.

Feel the Abundance. It's the name I gave this blog several months ago now. Prophetic in a way, since I'm going to be teaching people how to recognize, understand, appreciate and leverage their emotions into greater manifestation and abundance.

Feel the Abundance. It's who I am and what I'm all about. It's my gift and mission in the world. And it's easy to say and spell! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Completing a Cycle (?)

I've been off on a HUGE tangent of sorts lately. This wild and weird pursuit of financial freedom for financial freedom's sake.

I've learned alot about it in the last few weeks. Especially since receiving my new vision and inspirations. In ways, I feel like I've just completed -- or am completing -- some sort of long, huge cycle and returned to myself, but as a more expanded, enlivened, confident and energetic version.

Soon the cycle comes to an end, and the new one begins. I can feel it. And it's huge, exciting and expansive. It feels good to be excited, expansive and locked into purpose and vision, again...

Make a Career of Living Happily

I got a great Abraham quote in the email two Sundays ago (7/27). I'm playing catch-up on my messages and finally fully, deeply read it just now. Here it is...

"A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a "career" of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do "for a living" makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations. "

~ Abraham-Hicks, from the upcoming book Money and the Law of Attraction… Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness, due in stores August 12th.

Now, this quote spoke strongly to me. I can't recall if I've mentioned it here since it happened, but I have been undergoing a massive professional re-evaluation, accompanied by great circumspection around the past few businesses I have attempted, as well as a massive vision of what my work in the world is supposed to be. For the last many years, I have been trying to find business that will produce enough income that I can do things with the money. I realized that last week. But they way Abe is saying it here really strikes home. Ouch!

Funny thing is, back in 2006 I published my first book Soul Search Before You Job Search, which offers the main idea of looking inside for what you want to do, before taking external action. I have to admit that ever since my old Internet start-up was sold in 2001, I haven't had much of a vision about my work in the world. Even my book -- which is a good book -- didn't have a huge vision to it.

But this heart space-emotional-vibrational-law of attraction work -- or whatever the hell I'm going to call it -- goes beyond all of that. So far beyond that it is every bit about who I am in the world as it is what I do in the world. And just the thought of it gives me great joy and excitement.

I LOVE that! And I can't wait to reveal my first step in the direction of this vision! Soon...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy Two Weeks!

Hmmm. It's been a busy two weeks and it feels like soooo much has happened! :)

I'll start with the vision I had on July 17th. It was huge. I wrote a little bit about it on July 19th. later that evening, Dr. Peebles -- one of my spiritual guides, from the other side -- confirmed it as real and my being on track down a path that is, as he described it, "just the tippy-top of the iceberg!" Every time I tell someone about the vision, how exciting it feels and how well aligned with ME and my desires and goals it feels, they all echo solid confirmation. One friend said yesterday that he could feel it vibrating in his DNA and affirmed it felt profound even just to hear about it. Last weekend, another friend blurted out "That's what I was going to say!" when I told her I realized I was an expert at the heart space, emotions, etc. Another validation.

Of course, what's cool is that I do not feel any need for validation from other people on this. Not feeling this need makes the validation I'm getting all the more powerful. Good ole' Law of Attraction, at it again.

Then from July 25th to July 28th I went up to San Francisco -- Berkeley and Marin to be precise -- and had a great time visiting friends. So much LOVE! It was incredible. I even manifested some wonderful encounters with lovely women. One in which I felt a powerful knowing, like past life connection. It was profound how strongly I knew her and was attracted to her. I had a lot of fun appreciating the other women and their presence. Female companionship -- be it romantic or otherwise -- is always something I immensely appreciate.

Last week saw a massive push at work to reach a deadline. Nothing much to mentioned there. But I continued to manifest productive and fruitful days. As well as excellent meals! I also had a realization that I already have a group that might be interested in whatever I start to do with heart and emotion consulting -- my Manifestation Group email list!

Finally, this weekend I have my first inspirational thought on what form my new, expanded work will first take on: a class, offered to my Manifestation Group, dance friends and various others. I even was given the structure for the first session. Still not sure on timing, etc. But it feels like this is something that will start either late August or early September. I'll launch it in Los Angeles first and then see what happens, as I do have friends in other areas.

That's all for now. I'm very, very excited about this new direction!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strange Realization

I had a strange awakening today. Well, not strange in the sense that the thoughts were strange. But more odd in that I found myself wondering why I never noticed this before.

Essentially, I realized that of all the business I have attempted over the last 14 years, only two have had visions associated with them. Many have been created or conducted simply to make a living -- even though I was hoping to make a profit and attain financial freedom from a few. Most weren't done because I actually wanted to do what the business was about. Also noteworthy is that the ones with a vision were also tied to a passion. Passion leads to vision? Is that an accurate conclusion? Or is it that vision leads to passion? I don't know.

For example, in 2007 I spent the whole year as a Professional Real Estate Investor. I went through alot of learning curves to gain this skill. It wasn't always easy. Eventually, I got two houses and they are currently about to be rented, which will turn them into positive cash flowing investment -- finally. But the whole time I was doing this business, I had no vision of being some big-shot real estate mogul. I didn't envision owning large portions of cities and building out developments and such, like the Donald, or some of my other investor friends. Quite simply, I just wanted to have enough properties to become financially free and make a living. Not exactly a business model there. A worthy goal, but not a business model. Nor did I care at any time about being an expert and sharing the expertise.

Contrast that with my former business with my best friend Paul, Informative. We really had a vision. We wanted to take it place and positively effect people's lives. Sure, we wanted a financial windfall at the end -- and we got it. But the vision was more important. We were building something and wanted it to go big. And in ways, it did. Not quite to our expectations. But it did.

But even with that, my heart and passions fell out of it. It wasn't truly what I am supposed to do in the world.

Last week, I finally had a glimpse of what my role and mission is in the world -- what I am already an expert at. And I would have never guessed it in all these years. More on that in another post...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What Do We Refine -- Just Our Thoughts!

A reader named Jenna left a lovely comment on my 30-day Appreciation Game post. At the end of it, she asked a very important question:

"It's a good exercise for me because it's what I need right now. I found what I was looking for but I'm not sure if I can handle it!!! I don't know if I need to refine it situation - or refine myself."

First off Jenna, you can handle it. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Secondly, it's really a fun game. But most importantly is the question you ended with.

Abraham would tell us that you can never change outside situations in order to affect an inside change. That would be my experience too. See, whenever we are struggling with something, it always comes down to two things: perspective and alignment. Which are actually the same thing. :) So I'll just take a short-cut and say "Everything is about Perspective." Everything.

The only course of action we can take in order to affect a change is to find the perspective of our Source, our Higher Self; God's point of view, if you will, depending on your concept and beliefs around God. So attempting to change conditions in order to get happy will most likely take a lot of energy and effort and rarely lead to happiness. It's doing the job from the outside in. We need to do the inside, emotional journey job first! Then conditions will change.

The key is learning to work with our emotions. Our feelings are amazing indicators, there to guide us like our car's GPS. They are the seat of our intuition and the best, most factual piece of ourselves that we can every count on. But our thinking causes our emotions. So how to work with emotions and thinking is the big question!

For me, this is done in the following way:

  1. Be aware I'm not feeling quite right. Early on when I started working with emotions, the most I could do was ask myself if I was feeling comfortable or uncomfortable. That was easy, because I knew the difference. It took a while longer to learn about the emotions within those two categories, but they are an excellent place to start.
  2. Remember that my thinking is what's causing this feeling. That I'm locked into a perspective that feels bad or uncomfortable to me. Now, most people don't get this piece. And to a certain degree, you truly have to believe this statement. I do. I've seen it time and time again in my life. I've seen fear be instantly fabricated just by holding a specific perspective. I've seen love deepen and blossom from holding a perspective. I've had good days and bad days, all from holding a perspective.
  3. Truly intend that the most important thing for me is to feel good. To feel good now. Not after conditions change. Not once something I want comes to pass. But right now. And that my feeling good is FAR more important to my Well-Being than anything specific thing or condition I currently desire.
  4. Try on different perspectives until one feels slightly or a lot better. Don't go for quantum jumps here. Baby steps are key. Just keep trying on perspectives till one feels better than the last one. When you find one, thinking it strongly and clearly. Don't go back and forth. Then look for another one. Try another one on.
  5. Law of Attraction will handle the rest. Eventually, you'll catch a glimpse of hope and you're on your way to a much better feeling place. You'll find the better feeling place just comes upon you as you continue to try on different perspectives. And then, it's like you never felt bad!

Now here's a very, very important piece to putting this bad feeling thought/state/perspective fully to rest. Don't go around through your day telling everyone about the bad feeling moment you had. Don't talk about it. Don't make a story around it. Unless you're just mentioning it as the beginning of the story about you shifting your feelings with your mind. That's in context. But don't go latching onto that state with stories and chatter. Just enjoy feeling good.

I love this practice. I truly do. Some mornings I wake up and don't feel so great. I do this process and don't get out of bed till I feel better. Quite often it's just a few minutes and I'm off and running with a better feeling.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Cool Blue"

"Cool Blue"
Originally uploaded by Sir Goyo
Here's my new 2005 MINI Cooper Convertible. What an awesome car! Soooo FUN and so FREE-feeling. Very practical too, and great gas mileage (35 on the freeway)!

I'm quite happy.

Thank you Universe!

What a Week!

Wow. This was one doozie of a week. I am telling you! :)

The car stuff all unfolded amazingly well. I ended up needing to put some money down, which was okay because it lowered my payments. AND they let me post-date the check. :) Then all that was left was the return of my leased Audi. However, in direct contrast to how smooth, efficient and easy the MINI purchase was, I completed manifested strife and struggle over the lease return.

See, I spent most of the week worried about it, as though I was going to get punished if it wasn't in on time, etc. I worried even though my rep at Audi Financial told me directly, that if I needed a few extra days, to let them know. I even kept calling asking if it was OK, instead of just saying to them "I need a few extra days. It'll be done this week." Which of course, it was done this week.

Here's the the big differentiator though. I was flowing a vibration of worry about it not happening. So it wasn't happening. By Thursday night I surrendered and decided to focus on it happening smoothly and efficiently; on getting the notice of the return and feeling relieved.

Quite honestly, I had myself so worked up over this that I was frowning at work, feeling more tense than necessary and being ornery. By Thursday night I just wanted to feel better! To hell with how and when it got returned!

And then everything unfolded perfectly. :)

Meanwhile, I was very productive at work -- more so than previous weeks since I was no longer looking for a car -- and very pleased with how things came to fruition at work.

I even spent some time doing my finances to determine a repayment schedule for a loan I took from a friend. That was really challenging and scary to do, but I'm glad it's done. Plus, it makes me want to make more money. Which has opened up some new ideas for me.

Like even higher level consulting jobs. But not technology design oriented (what I do now). More heart and spiritually oriented, for companies and corporations. This idea lodged in my head on Thursday and it doesn't have any form or substance or structure to it yet. But I know this. It's not about my producing anything, and thus, needing to clock hours to get paid. It's about being paid for my expertise and for having access to me. I'm researching it more, but it has me very curious, excited and open. There's truly the possibility to make way more money doing this, have much more free time and expand from there.

And today, the weekend has begun and I'm enjoying playing catch up and getting things done as I relax wistfully at home. :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Got a Car!!

Law of Attraction works again!

After the gnarly car drama last weekend, I started the week intent on manifesting a new car. And not just a new car, a MINI Cooper Convertible at a good monthly price. I arrive at work on Monday morning with a very clear intention: eat through lunch and look for cars online. But where to start?

Well, I thought, the MINI dealers first. Let's see if they have anything used that I would like.

My very first call they had ONE used convertible. I asked for more information and was told a bit about that car. Enough to wet my whistle, so to speak.

That evening, I left work early and drove down to an interesting industrial area of town to visit Nick Alexander MINI. I was greeted by Josh Ross, who was as happy and friendly in person as he was on the phone. I sat in the car for a bit then took it out for a spin. We went around the block TWICE I was so excited and happy. And a short while later, I found myself in their office doing the paperwork to buy it.

Drove off the lot at 9:30 pm with a new (for me) car. And I love it. Absolutely. Beyond my wildest dreams. And here's the thing. My spiritual advisor has been telling me, "It's not the things that we want, it's the feelings we want from having them. Focus on the feelings you want to have and allow the Universe to out-dream you." And that's exactly what happened.

This car has everything I wanted and more! Plus, the sense of fun, freedom, sportiness and practicality of the car is beyond what I expected. Looks cool too. I'll post a pic later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's ALL About Perspective

Every feeling is an indicator of perspective. Plain and simple.

If you don't like what you're feeling/experiencing, it means you're holding a perspective in your mind that is out of sync with your Higher Self, God or whatever the hell you want to call it! :)

The solution: try on a different perspective in your mind.

With each perspective you try one, see how it feels. If it feels better, stick with it. If it feels worse, let it go.

As you find better and better feeling perspectives in your mind, your emotional state will change. Once you feel hope, it will change quickly.

And once your emotional state changes into hope and anything that feels better then hope, your vibration will change and whatever is happening/manifesting in your life will change. Sometimes radically quickly. Sometimes not.

So it's all about perspective!

Try a new one on today. You might like it! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Car Contrast

Yesterday I set out to find a way to keep my car, Shade, a 2006 Dolphin Gray Audi A4 Convertible. I failed. Every angle we tried was a dead end. Oh and my fav? Paying $600 a month for 60 months (5 years) and having it's worth drop significantly in 2010 because of a new body type. Oy!

So I went to look at some other cars -- and here's the teaching in this -- and got both excited at the possibilities and bumped out about them too.

Now, when I'm doing something, I want to be fully aligned with it. I want my heart to be saying a BIG FAT YES and nothing in the way. No qualms, etc.

It reached a point this morning where I found myself looking at a 4 door, V6 sedan with no tiptronic but a fancy interior and okay body. Now, this might sound like a cool deal, and I'm sure it was, but I want a fun car, with a tiptronic transmission , sunroof or convertible, great handling and a sense of freedom. This wasn't it.

But here I was considering it. I stopped, walked back into the showroom and said I didn't want it a V6, 4-door sedan without a tiptronic. I want a MINI. They heard me, said okay and started walking away. It was funny!!! :)

So now, I'm on a mission to buy a used Mini Cooper Convertible, which I believe will give me everything I want!

O.D. on Beauty

Have you ever felt like you're just going to explode -- KABOOOMB!!! -- from witnessing so much beauty? Sometimes, when I go to Sunday morning dance class, one of the intentions I set is to see and witness and experience beauty. And then I do. In droves. And I don't just mean the women. I mean the movement, the shapes, the facial expressions, the clothing colors, how we all come together an apart. Mostly I notice the women, but I notice all these too.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just going to explode, as though I can't take it all in. But I can.

I think that explosion feeling is coming from either a sense of lack -- "There's so many beautiful women in the world and where's mine." -- but could also come from our own innate expansion.

I don't know which it is, but I was certainly mesmerized by it today.

Now that's Abundance! :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Whose "Good" Should I Align With?

For the last few weeks, I've sort of been in an expanded form a soul-searching. Not from a place of unrest or angst per se. But more from a place of wanting to be in maximum alignment.

About 2 weeks ago or so, last time I saw my favorite local channel -- Dr. Peebles -- I realized that for the last 2 years solid, and I mean SOLID, I had been pursuing vehicles for financial freedom for the sake of pursuing financial freedom, but not necessarily because I was overjoyed and thrilled about the vehicle itself. Oh sure, I enjoyed real estate investing and I truly GET and understand the value and potential of network marketing. But I was doing them for the final outcome -- NOT because I loved the doing of them.

So here I am in my latest venture: YTB Travel. Now, I LOVE travel!! It's one of my top favorite things to do in the world. In fact, many of my closest friends from before my move to LA will recall how I blogged my way through 4 months in Europe during 2001. That alone thrilled me. Enough to make me want to be able to travel and get paid for it. So of course the value proposition with YTB was appealing and made complete sense to me -- when I'm doing the traveling.

Enter the whole old school recruiting techniques I'm being taught. Oh and don't misunderstand -- they work like a charm!!! I have a number of friends and colleagues rocking the house in various MLMs, using these techniques. But I don't want to take the ACTION and EFFORT journey toward my success! I don't want to make phone calls and solicit people to watch presentations, etc, etc. That's like asking every girl out who crosses my path -- regardless of whether I'm attracted or not.

Hmmm, I actually did that through most of my 30s. Hmmm. But now my dating is different. Higher quality, less quantity. Hmmm. Something to look into perhaps? Hmmm.

Anyways, my point is this: I want to learn and practice attracting EVERYTHING into my life. Money, work, lovers, friends, cars, business partners, clients, colleagues, travel destinations, clothes, everything.

And the only way I (currently) know how to do that is to line up with MY GOODNESS. What I BELIEVE is Good and Right and Proper and Joyful for me. To line up with what brings me joy. In fact, not only the what, but the way. And to trust that in that alignment, all comes to fruition.

Hmmm. Clearly more to think about here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Everything We Want Is Inevitable

I had a great talk with my dear friend J today. She'd had a frantic day awaiting news on something important in her life and she got through it with grace and poise, despite having some chaotic moments in the day. That got us to talking on one of our, and my, favorite subjects: how to find a better feeling thought-place from where we are. Essentially, practicing what Abraham-Hicks teaches in how to coordinate with Law of Attraction.

We covered a lot of ground as we most often do and toward the end, I thought of something I had never thought before.

"Think about it J. If life -- the Universe -- is set up in such a way so that every time we experience chaos or contrast, we intrinsically and instinctually launch a new or refined desire, and that new desire is instantly fulfilled energetically, then everything we want is inevitable. That's a pretty deep level of faith, isn't it?"

To which she responded, "Whooooa!" in her most wonderful, dude voice copy of how Keanu Reeves says the same line in the Matrix.

And seriously. THINK ABOUT IT! Everything we want is inevitable, just due to the creative dynamic of existence, of life.

My next car is inevitable.
My next lover is inevitable.
The woman I will marry is inevitably coming into my life and marrying me.
My next job is inevitable.
My next business is inevitable.
Having successful businesses is inevitable.
Becoming financially free is inevitable.
Becoming rich is inevitable.
The type of physique I want is inevitable.

But here's the key, and it's a doozie:

We must make peace with the inevitability of it.

Abraham once said to me "When you make peace with the inevitability of it, it takes the angst away. And when the angst is gone, it comes sooner. You have to make peace with the later before it comes sooner."

To me, this means I do not have to suffer, effort or strive for what I want. I just simply believe and align, then follow inspiration for the actions to take. I love this way of life! I want to do EVERYTHING from this vantage point. Love, travel, business, work, relationships, money, health, everything!

Try it. I dare you. :) (tee hee hee)

Friday, July 4, 2008

I Had an Idea Today

Today, while researching alternate means of creating network marketing leads using Internet Marketing and other Internet technique, I had an idea.

I have know for years that I am better suited -- meaning more aligned, excited, passionate, etc. -- to market and promote my OWN creations than other people's creations, or persuading someone to do or buy something they don't want to do or buy, made by someone else.

So the idea today was "Maybe it's time to make something new. Something I can sell on the Internet. Maybe it's time I start creating my own stuff again AND sell it online. Maybe that's my path to financial freedom?"

If I'm going to ask people to do something; if I'm going to build leverage on the Internet and create multiple streams of passive income, why not do it with MY OWN IDEAS and
CREATIONS? Certainly makes sense to me.

Not sure what that would be. But I'm open to being inspired...


Happy Independence Day everyone!

There's certainly something to be said for Freedom. All kinds of it! A few years back, I realized that everything I do is geared toward Freedom. Personally, I value freedom of schedule, money, routines, processes, love and creativity. Professionally I like the freedom to work when and if I want to, make what I want and not be under someone's thumb or control. And spiritually, what I want most for everyone else, is what I want for myself: greater and greater sense of freedom in our bodies, minds, hearts and souls.

Luckily, I believe our souls, our spirit if you will, area already free. I don't believe in sin. I don't believe in evil or badness. I believe there is nothing but Well-Being. All we need to do is allow it to flow to and through us. I believe we are all conduits for that flowing. And in that flowing, and in how life flows, is inherent freedom.

No one can create in my reality, in my experience. Now that's freedom too!

Lastly, imagine what total 100% connection with the feeling of freedom is like -- on every level of life. Wouldn't things just start to happen magically and magnificently? I think they would. I certainly dance like they will.

God -- or whatever -- bless you and may you FEEL the depth of Freedom that is truly part of who you really are!

Monday, June 30, 2008

How Do You Measure Abundance?

I'm back, after a bit of a hiatus. Self-imposed actually. I thought I "needed" to focus on other things. Hahahaha. In reality, this blog is important to me. It's an important vehicle to share my experience. But also a way for me to connect with all of you -- and whoever comes to read it. It keeps me honest (and possibly humble). And it keeps me focused on Abundance, since I've sort of become this Steward of Abundance.

So what have I been doing? Working my consulting work again since Early April. It's been good too. Work I'm really good at AND that I love to do. I also get paid really, really well. In fact, Since early April, I've managed to increase my hourly rate $8. Now that's Abundance!! And in such a quick period of time too! It used to take 3 years to go up that much per hour. Thank you Universe.

So my query out to anyone reading today is this: How do you measure Abundance?

This is actually two questions in one:
1. how do YOU personally measure it?
2. how do you think it should/could/would be measured objectively?

Please share your comments below.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's YOUR Thriving Throttle?

I read this quote from Abraham today:

"You have to find a way to be all right with thriving because you are always going to want to thrive… The economy is moving forward in response to the desires of people. And depriving yourself of something does not make more money for someone else to spend… If there were not people who were purchasing things, then all of the people who are working at manufacturing and marketing them would have to find some other ways of making their living… There are so many people who innately want to thrive, who as soon as they begin thriving a little, begin imposing all of these exterior judgements about how much thriving is appropriate, "It's appropriate to thrive that much, but not that much." And you have to ask yourself, "At what point do I lose the balance of thriving?" Abraham-Hicks

When I first read it, I thought "I don't have any kind of throttle on thriving. No limitations that I'm aware of." But then, I went to go play my Prosperity Game for today, and had a strange experience.

I was staring at a check for $178,000 and I thought "Now how would I go about making this much money?" And proceeded to envision making it through my new travel business. Then it struck me. That's a throttle. I throttle thriving based on what I can see, touch, hear or logically grasp in my mind. Wow! Ouch! No wonder I've been under the struggle-bucket lately!

This, of course, is not new news. Just an additional twist or angle on an old story. When I finally believe and conceive that wealth and abundance can come to me without conditions or restrictions of any kind, and perfectly matching my preferences, then, it will come. It's a lot like love, isn't it? Hmmm....

What would thriving look like, without conditions or restrictions? I know what loving without conditions or restrictions feels like: this juicy, joyous, expansive, deep well of appreciation, flowing through me and around me and out of me, flooding onto everyone and everything I meet. Particularly with people it's easy to love. And I LOVE this feeling. It's truly lovely to feel.

Perhaps unrestricted, unconditional thriving feels the exact same way? I bet Abraham would agree.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Really Blessed

It's hard to believe that it's been slightly over a month since my massive inner and outer shift in late March. My car breaking down in West LA and being stranded for a few hours. Lucking out in finding a repair shop right across from where I broke down. A friend rescuing me and providing a place for me to sleep. The repairs being exactly the amount I had left on the one credit card I was carrying, plus a $100 bill I had in my wallet! (Ok God/Source/Whatever, I get the message. I'm taken care of perfectly.) And finally, being introduced to YTB!

Now, it's a month and a few days later and here's my abundance list:

  1. I landed a great consulting gig, at better money than I was making before, better hours, more flexibility and great people. Not to mention the possibility of more work!
  2. I've opened my own online travel site and have actively begun promoting it, to great response.
  3. I've begun brokering an awesome deal for growing my YTB organization, that will benefit everyone involved.
  4. I've discovered that I'm actually getting ahead much faster and sooner than I suspected!
  5. My gas and change seems to be lasting longer!
  6. People are becoming seriously interested in coming on my YTB team and building out their own teams.
  7. I'm learning amazing stuff about recruiting, prospecting, talking to people, confidence and keeping my eyes and ears open for opportunities.
  8. I've met several women I find myself VERY attracted to
  9. I've had great conversations with friends.
  10. My investment properties in Kansas City are getting more showings and will sell any day now!
  11. I got a call back from someone I haven't spoken to in months!
  12. I've spent some great time with friends.
  13. I've been blessed with some payment arrangements that I would never have dreamed up myself!
  14. I went to Millionaire Mind Intensive, which rocketed me into a whole new space.
  15. I've been using my Money Management Jars since I took MMI and my Financial Freedom Account is growing.
  16. I've been doing my 90-day Wealth Conditioning exercises every day and I love it!
  17. I truly believe I am financially free, successful and an excellent money manager.
  18. I feel so much love and appreciation.

All Is Well

Ya know, I had some financial scares today, as I am gradually -- and faster than I realized! -- rebuilding my financial picture. And when I had them I could FEEEL the discomfort of the icky thoughts. The fear. The upset. The worry. And I KNEW this was not who I really am. I KNEW I had way more than fear and worry in store for me and that SOO MUCH was right in my world. So I took a moment and affirmed where I am heading -- being caught up on all my behind bills, getting ahead and moving beyond into wealth and financial freedom, and being 100% WELL.

Tonight, I will retired, melting into my bed, opening to the loving arms of Source, filling me with appreciation for being here, playing the game of co-creative life!

Wellness and blessings to all of you, my friends!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Even In the Little Things

There's a lot to be said for the little things.

I took a long walk today, needing to clear my head (and heart) yet again. I've lost track of how many walks I've taken this week. But they're helping immensely. To connect with the world, say hi to people I pass, check out flowers and trees and cars and women. Oops, did I just say that out loud?! LOL! :)

Anyways, after a good cry and some deep thoughts and feelings, I started to feel into the abundance that is all around me. It's a bitch to feel this when I'm not feeling so good myself. But as Abraham says, there is nothing for us to "do" but to notice how we're feeling and start finding better feeling thoughts.

You see, I was on my way to sell the only jewelry I have ever owned: two rings and a Tahitian black pearl on a necklace. And in my mind I was making a list of all the other things I could sell in order to get through this time period: all my video games, my PlayStation 2, my TV and DVD system, my George Foreman grill, etc. Some of them -- like my TV -- were a depressing thought. But, in this current situation, I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

When I arrived at my destination -- some gold shop on Ventura -- they buzzed me in (which was a bit freakish) and I was greeted without warmth and with some attitude. Bad day maybe? Well, they took one look at my stuff and basically scoffed at me. They didn't even offer to buy the gold for scrap!

Not knowing any other jewelry store, I was about to head home when something said, go sit down in front of Jamba Juice and just think. I was bummed I wouldn't be able to sell my jewelry and didn't know what to do. So I just sat there and thought. And tried to find a better feeling thought; tried to tap into my intuition.

Well, a few minutes went by, which were nicely interspersed with beautiful women, and all of a sudden, I noticed another jewelry shop in the center I was in. "Nah, I thought." But something said to at least ask. "Just ask."

This time, things were completely different.

As soon as I entered, I was greeted with a smile and warmth. The kind man looked at my jewelry and said he couldn't buy them as is, but would buy the gold for scrap, by weight. He put my ring and gold chain on the scale and they were 12.6 whatevers (grams?). He pays $10 a gram and he offered me some for the diamond in the ring, for a sum total of $175!!!

I spent a while talking to him, asking him about himself out of gratitude and friendliness. All the while feeling so much appreciation and like I really am being taken care of.

Later today, I drove over to Game Dude -- a used and new video game store -- and sold off ALL my games. ALL of them. Now that's rare. They even bought ones I've tried to sell them before. Go figure. But the coolest thing, is what happened on the way out.

As I was leaving the cashiers area, the cashier next to mine asked my guy is they carried The Incredibles 2. Apparently the customer to my right was looking for it for his kids. I laughed in amazement, because I had just sold that same game to them!!

I left the store with my $49 in cash thinking "Wow, in my time of need and contrast, I go sell a game, and make some kid's night. Their really is divine order in the universe."

This impacted me more than the $49 I walked away with, more than the yummy Indian food dinner I enjoyed with my hot cash shortly there after, more than having lost my only current lender earlier in the day, and more than this interesting sorting out of my rapidly altering preferences. That one, unknown child's happiness spawned from a moment of true synchronicity, did more for my feeling better than anything I had thought of or done this day.

For it is in the little things -- those synchronous moments -- that we see the clear-cut evidence of the abundance all around us!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Deep Change

I haven't wanted to blog lately. I've been very internal. Not always feeling so abundant. In fact, I've been through the ringer lately, so to speak. But keep coming out the other side feeling better and better.

For anyone who is going through profound change and challenge right now, as am I, I have it on good authority that we just need to make it through to the end of this month/beginning of April and then things will begin to shift and move forward again. We have been going through a sort of outer limbo while our inner lives are transforming.

These are odd times for me. I find myself in the worst financial situation I have ever been in, yet am on the verge of the most financial reward I have ever received. I have experienced the deepest waves of fear and sadness ever lately, followed by the most incredible consciousness of joy, LOVE and Well-Being, in which I feel better about myself and my life then ever before. In fact, last Friday a profound truth stuck me: Who I really am is not determined by my _________ (fill in the blank: money, relationships, status, health, success, whatever the condition...). But who I am -- and how I feel -- does determine all these conditions.

There is no rational explanation to all this. These are just times of deep change and letting go. We are all letting go of Fear and moving into Love, more and more deeply. Just knowing all my friends and most loved people are there fills me with great appreciation.

Thank you for being you! :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Belly, Teach My Finances :)

Last week, on Tuesday, February 26th, I had a completely opposite day from my birthday on the 25th. First of all, I awoke in financial fear. It wasn't too big, mind you, but after all the great realizations I had over the prior weekend, I was kind of in shock. I mean, come on! What gives.

Well, I actually did a pretty damn good job keeping myself on an even keel. I kept using my tools at hand to keep my vibration as high as I could. And while I did roller coaster a bit emotional, I did okay.

Till the early evening. I just couldn't maintain it any more and I spun into some serious fear. Not surprisingly enough, that manifested as starting to criticize my body! I know, it may sound strange to hear a man say he's criticizing his body, but honestly, I was mentally ripping my stomach to shreds. Not a pretty site in my mind.

Luckily, I went to dance class that night. And things began to loose up -- in my mind and my body. We actually had an instruction to dance with our belly. Oy! But it caused me to drop into it so deeply that I began to have compassion for myself and my belly and the amazing job it does in my life.

I had been so mean to it that day and I began focus on what I appreciated about my belly: it is strong, healthy, powerful, fit and does a damn good job. I started to feel great appreciation and love for this incredible part of my body.

What came next was surprising.

I then actually started feeling better about my finances! Go figure. I realized that if my belly was strong and healthy and fit, despite all my criticism, then my finances were strong and healthy and fit too -- regardless of how they looked in the moment or what was going on with the number of zeros. I started saying to myself: my finances are healthy, stable, secure, solid and fit. And you know what? I believed it. Deep down. Just like I did with my belly. The rest of the class unfolded quite magically, with some incredible dances and great energy. And I have felt incredibly safe and secure since.

Belly, teach my finances. :)

I pray to remember this lesson for eternity. Or however long it is needed! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

44 and Security

Today is my birthday! At 8:21 am Eastern time today, 44 years ago, I popped out all googly and stuff and began to breath on my own. Pretty trippy. But totally cool too! :)

What's even trippier, is what 44 means, given my recent study of the nature of Security.

And old astrologer of mine use to say that the number 4 means "foundation and security". (yeah, do you see where this is going?). So that 44 means "double foundation and security". Then she would total the two numbers together to get a third, equalling number. In this case 8, which is "power".

So 44 = double security resulting in power.

And I just spent the last 3 days delving into the nature of Security. There are NO coincidences.

The last piece of this puzzle is how Security actually feels! I have a sense of this -- and it's keyed to appreciation and love -- but I suspect there is more to it. I will work on it some tonight.

New Thoughts on Security

Last night, after sitting with all my revelations about Security, I took out my pen and notebook again and began to list out the new story I want to tell about Security. It was light and easy and fun and deep. I am beginning to feel the shift and clearing already occurring. So much so that when a creditor called, I felt secure and not thrown off at all. In fact, he took a smaller payment then usual, without any gruff or resistance.

So here's my new story around Security:

  1. Security is an inside job!
  2. Security and feeling secure is available to me at any time!
  3. I've had financial security in one form or another many times n my life and I can have it again.
  4. It is not based on how much money I have or make (take $$ out of the equation) but on my inner strength, confidence, love, worthiness and connection to Well-Being.
  5. I'm so grateful for the level of security I actually already do have!
  6. Security is not like a light switch -- either on or off; existent or non-existent. Security is eternally existent as a part of the expansion of who we are!
  7. So I am secure right here and now, in this moment, and in more than one way.
  8. I am secure in who I am in a person; in my new and current positive feeling beliefs; in my knowledge of my business; in my friendships and love relationships; in my understanding of how Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing work; in my trust of the Universe and the stream I have created; in my confidence and knowing that I will receive ALL that I ask for and desire.
  9. I know there is no death -- only the return to Non-Physical, which is exciting. So death needs no protecting from. Which means perhaps security is something bigger than a protection from death.
  10. And even loss is irrelevant, in terms of needing protection from it. My life -- the Universe -- is eternally expansive, never stuck, never able to go backwards and un-become what it/I have become! So there is no such thing as loss, because any "loss" simply creates more desires, which are added to the Creative Mix and the Universe -- and my life -- expands, becoming more than it has been before. So if there is only ever expansion and growth, then there is no going backwards, and thus no "loss"!
  11. Today, and from now on, I am open to expanding my security -- my sense of security and actual security -- further than it has ever been before.

So essentially, there is noting but an ever-expanding, ever-increasing state of Well-Being. And my sense of and connection to this is security. My knowledge, confidence, trust and assurance of Well-Being IS security. So everything is perfect, just the way it is.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What am I Thinking about Security...?

Today I awoke and thought, "Gosh, I should ask myself that question Abraham encourages us to ask when we're feeling stuck or blocked on an issue." So I got out my pen and notebook and wrote down "What is it I am thinking about you, Security, that is keeping me from being who I a really am, from allowing myself to go with my own flow?"

Here's what I came up with. A series of old thoughts I've been thinking about Security:

  1. I need money ($$$) to be secure.
  2. Even if I have the $$$ -- and thus financial security -- it will go away of be taken from me.
  3. Security is fleeting.
  4. If only I had more financial resources I would never loose anything; that security protects me from the loss of what I love!!
  5. Security is illusive and just a myth
  6. Other people can have it, but not me
  7. It takes forever to get
  8. I shouldn't be materially focused that my only security should come from God
  9. I can never have enough security, and even then, it will not protect me from death and loss; there will never be enough security to protect me from death and loss!

Wow, this is a pretty impactful list. There's some crazy stuff going on here. Some of it seemingly contradictory. The first thing I noticed right away, was that there was a heavy victim vibe and a sort of "left up to chance" element. Even the bit about God being the only source of security come from an old Catholic thought which places God outside myself. Thus, all nine statements either bring good or bad from outside myself, which leaves me completely in powerlessness, and therefore unable -- from that vantage point -- to create anything deserving.

Of course, I don't believe this for a second. All these thoughts are hogwash based on my current understanding. But they've been habitually thought, and thus become beliefs. So now, I choose to reframe them!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Security - Defined (An Exploration of the Word Itself)

So this morning, being infinitely intrigued with my friend's query to me yesterday, I took it upon myself to look up the definition of the word "security". Here is what I found:


  1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety
  2. freedom from care, anxiety, fear or doubt; well-founded confidence
  3. freedom from financial cares or from want,
  4. defense against financial failure; financial independence
  5. an assurance; guarantee

This lead to needing to explore the word "secure", which revealed something very similar:


  1. free from or not exposed to danger or harm; free from risk of loss; safe
  2. reliable; dependable; firm; not liable to fail
  3. free from care; without anxiety
  4. firmly established; sure; certain; assured
  5. free from fear or doubt; easy in mind

But what was the most fascinating ended up being the derivation of the word security.

  • Se = without; apart from
  • Cure = care; restoration to health; correcting or relieving anything troublesome or detrimental
  • -ity = state of being

So SECURITY seems to mean "the state of being without or apart from (the need) for care, restoration or correcting".

When I think about this further, it seems to be implying that when in the state of security, there is no need to restore, heal, cure, fix, correct or relieve anything. Being without or apart from the need to cure, fix or correct is, essentially, wellness.


This is an incredible revelation to me.

Friday, February 22, 2008

How Does Security Feel?

I was talking with a dear friend few hours ago and she asked me something very profound.

"What does security feel like, for you?"

What an incredible question. Now, I know that security has been a big working for me in this life -- and many before, honestly. And habitually in my mind, I have associated it with money. Yet I know it's not about money. As Abraham says, "take money out of the equation."

So if I honestly take money out of the equation, then the focus must naturally shift to security. And for the first time in my life, with the innocent, loving question from my friend, I can feel the sincere desire to look into this more deeply.

Not from a place of asking what I am afraid of. That's helpful to a degree. But I want to make a study of how security feels. I want to feel the visceral, energetic equivalent to it and KNOW it inside me. I believe that having done this -- having crossed this incredible threshold -- I will be one step closer to receiving all the riches I could ever want.

Security. I will look into this further.

Dreaming of Finer Things

Today, I am dreaming of the finer things in life.

Classy black limousines to take me everywhere I go. Luxurious, tailored suits for all occasions -- formal, semi and casual. Fine wine and fancy restaurants. World travel at the snap of a finger. the finest gowns and jewelry for my girlfriend.

A beautiful home, with a modern contemporary interior, but a rustic exterior. A large, heated swimming pool and a view of the ocean. Three summer homes on the islands of my choice, condos and apartments in New York, Paris, Buenos Aires, London and Milan. A winter home on a Greek Island.

A high-class vehicle with luxury interiors, space-age features and the quietest, safest ride. A high-performance sports car, with power, speed, verve and fun. Definitely a convertible.

My own private jet, as well as use of helicopter services at my whim.

Pure, unadulterated joy. Quite honestly, the joy comes first. But I like being clear about things that I want. It helps fire the imagination and raise the vibration.

What's even cooler though, is that this is just a list of luxurios things to have. I skipped all the be and do ones too!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Strange Stillness

Have you been feeling oddly still or quiet recently? Are you finding yourself thinking you need to do something, or make something happen, but feeling stuck or stalled or immobilized? Or even feeling like simply just wish to do nothing -- or nothing "constructive" -- instead of being all busy-busy over stuff?

This is because there is a very profound shift happening, right now. It's a deepening call to ourselves, to self-love and to self-care and to self-guidance. It's a call to return to ourselves, to focus on love, appreciation and higher vibration thoughts and feelings, and to forego the need to effort, struggle, strain or "make" anything happen.

Hahahaha. Make something happen? What a crock of bull! Nobody can "make something happen", at least not by effort and force.

I've begun reading "Think and Grow Rich" again -- the original, unabridged version of it -- and it's quite impactful. One story was told of a man who became a prominent business associate of Thomas Edison's, simply from his unwaivering, clear and definitive desire for it. He knew, beyond all measure of doubt, beyond all evidence of what was infront of him, that this was true. And he felt it as though it was real and already occuring.

So embrace this stillness. It's a wonderful gestation time to get clear and return to our selves and our deeper knowings. Perhaps unearth some new desires and create internally instead of with physical effort and force.

Surrounded by Abundance

Yesterday, all day long, I felt surrounded by Abundance.

Now you might think I mean that as I walked around, I could see all sorts of signs of Abundance and that I was really feeling connected to all that. But that's not what I mean.

The moment I awoke, I felt like there was a sphere of energy around me: the energy of Abundance. It was like a field surrounding me through which I could feel the flow of Source and the truly Abundant nature of life. I was almost tangibly aware of this field as I moved through the day.

As I felt into it more and more, I sensed that it was some sort of layer between me and my higher self. I sensed that if I/it vibrated highly enough, then any manner of things I wanted would be drawn into proximity to me/it and then manifest. At the same time I was completely detached from any agendas or specifics. I was simply just vibrating, lovingly held and protected in this field. And I just flowed through my day.

So much so that I had some great experiences, one of which was meeting a new like-minded friend, with great energy and a real spark of life. Warmed my heart to have that experience.

I can still feel it a bit today. Not as strong. But I can feel it. I'm very curious about this awareness.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Insight 8: $50,000. Easy and Believable

Wow. I'm up to 8 Insights. This has been an incredible year so far, eh! Ok, here's the next one.

Back on the weekend of February 9th and 10th I had the wonderful experience of staying the night at the La Costa Resort and Spa. I had gone down on Saturday the 9th for a music festival that a dear friend produces and I decided I wanted to stay the night. But I had no clue where. I had asked registrationg 2 or 3 times if they had any availabilty and the answer was the same: No.

Funny thing was that I knew there was a room for me at the resort. 100% knew this was true.

Well, one thing led to another and somehow, I ended up manifesting a free night in one of the suites the bands used to prep before their shows!! It was way cool sleeping in this cushy, luxurious bed, in this awesome resort. Don't get me wrong, I love my bed at home, but melting into luxury is one of my soon-to-be favorite past-times. :)

The next morning I awoke with one singular thought in my head: $50,000.

Now it's not every day I awake with that much money on my brain. :) Much less feeling it easily, comfortably and excitedly bopping around in there. Yup -- I was easily conceiving of making $50,000 just like that. And I believed it. Just like I believed there was a room for me that night at the resort. Just like I knew the Giants would win when I woke up on Superbowl Sunday.

What is extra cool about this is not just the amount, and not just the ease in which it sat in my mind and in my heart, but where the thought expanded to during that whole week.

It went from a lump sum, to a believable monthly earnings amount!!!

And I believe it. I am convinced now, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I will be making $50,000 a month very soon. Maybe even next month. But for sure by the end of the 2nd Quarter!

This is the best evidence of my own Abundance that I could ever dream of.

Insight 7: Two Clear Visions of Home

Right aroud that same time (Feb 5th) I had two back-to-back visions of what I want regarding my home life and where I live. They were so clear that I can still feel them today.

The first was a perfect picture of how I want my apartment to look -- correction: how it WILL look -- when it is done being furnished and decorated. This was a full-blown image of a completed living room, dining room, bedroom and office that rocked! it was amazing how real, how vivid it felt. And it felt completely done and believable.

Now, this might not seem like much to some people, but to me, it's monumental. Why? Because I have never pictured, much less imagined ahead of time, how where I'm living will turn-out like this. Plus, the imagery was very detailed, right down to the paintings, side table decorations, color scheme -- everything.

This, of course, was very inspiring.

But the next vision floored me. It was of where I will be moving to after this apartment -- where I will own and live.

This time, it was in a fancy house in the hills overlooking the ocean. Nothing outlandish, mind you. But statedly elegant, simple design and very warm and comfortable. Most off all, there is an incredibly huge terrace in back with a view of the ocean. I don't have tons of extra details about this vision. But the key to this one is that I knew it was true. I knew it was completely doable and that in some way it existed already. And I also knew where it is: Brentwood. Or there abouts. :)

This is key because I've been tied to the San Fernando Valley pretty much since August 2005, when I moved to LA. But I was drawn to move to LA because of Santa Monica and specifically, the ocean. In fact the vision I had that lead me to LA was of the ocean and palm trees along Ocean Ave in Santa Monica.

So this final vision of the home with the terrace in the hills above Brentwood is truly amazing to me. Now I'm excited to go out and scout for the place!

Insight 6: Pre-Spending My Future Earnings

Okay. This may sound a little odd, but do you know about pre-spending your future earnings? It's a little Law of Attraction trick I was taught. Technically, they don't even need to be future earnings -- they can be purely imaginary because the conscious mind doesn't discriminate between the two if the vibration is the same! But for the purpose of this story, it's future earnings.

So here's what happened. Back on February 5th I was driving around thinking about my houses for sale. I've got two for sale in Kansas City, MO and they should each net me aroudn $10,000 in profit. Technically, the second one will net aroudn $20,000, but that is being split with my partner on that deal.

In my mind, I was spending the money, practicing this idea of pre-spending. Well I found that quite automatically and instinctually, my mind went to pay money toward my debt. In and of itself this is not a bad thought, unless it makes one feel bad, as it was doing to me.

That's when it hit me. Every time I forsee myself getting money, I begin to spend it on debt reduction and I end up feeling a sense of lack, which sends out a vibration of lack regarding receiving the earnings, which keeps me from receiving the earnings! Here's how the thought process goes, just to be clear about this:

1. "Oh wow! I've got $10,000 coming!" (feeling = excited and positive expectation)

2. "Hmm...let's see...I'll out 30% toward reserves, 40% toward expenses and 30% toward debt reduction." (feeling = less excited and becoming tedious)

3. "Damn there's no money left for the fun things I want to do! Now what do I do?" (feeling = lack, disappointed, shortage, insecurity)

It goes from excitement and positive expectation to lack and insecurity in about 3 seconds. Not a pretty site.

Once I realized this, I felt into it and decide to -- as Bob Proctor says in The Secret -- get on a debt reduction plan and focus on Prosperity. I have a debt reduction plan and I believe in it. So when I let go of the need to reduce it quickly, I was then able to trust that my debt will take care of itself as I steadily pay according to the plan. And that it is MOST important for me to pay for me and all the wonderful things I want to do -- including re-investing and having fun.

There's a principle I have heard and need to re-instigate in my life: Pay Yourself First.

Insight 5: Video Games are an Example of Abundance

I know, you're probably wondering what the hell I am talking about. Especially if you have any angst, issue or judgement regarding video games. But I am proud to be a video-gamer and I enjoy it immensely. It is truly leading-edge entertainment. And for me -- who plays only noble quests, swords and sorcery games -- it's all the fantasy/sci-fi reading I did as a boy, come to life in interactive form. Anyways, I digress... :)

So one day earlier this month (Feb 08) it struck me that in all the video games I have every played where the characters can collect and spend money, the money never runs out. Yes, there is absolutely NO SHORTAGE of money in a video game. Sure, I may spend all my coinage on a fancy new sword or spell, or at the latest gadget shop. But I never, ever do so with a worry toward that being my last coinage, my last vestige of profit for the rest of the game.

No, there's never a worry, because there's always more. There's more fiends to fight. More treasure to find. More rewards to have. There is always more. And more than enough.

In fact, what's fascinating about most games, is that as you gain in experience -- and as the things to buy get more expensive -- you earn more money!

Viewed at from a Law of Attraction stand-point, this makes complete sense. More experience in the game (life) creates an opprtunity for more stuff (desires) which is met by the receiving of more money and the advent of new shops and gadgets (manifestation), which allows the character to accomplish more and then have more experience (expansion). And the cycle starts again.


Insight 4: January Ends in the Flow

January ended rather incredibly. The big potential money making project had fallen through. I had had a series of shifts. I had enjoyed wearing a fancy tux at a major Detroit Auto Show and had been experiencing a quite unusual calm about my financial situation. I was truly feeling blessed.

Most of all, I wasn't afraid about my bank balance for the first time in a long time. I was regularly doing the inside job of keeping my vibration set and high, focusing only on the feelings I wanted to manifest and occasionally tapping into this knowing that everything was happening perfectly. After all, I have always been taken care of.

Well, as the month happened, a large sum of money arrived that more than covered me for what was needed at the time. And I was 100% confident that I had created that. It wasn't just dumb or blind luck. I had created that. How? By staying in a vibration of Abundance and Well-Being. And at the last moment -- literally $200 left in my bank account -- the money came in.

This has taught me something really crucial. That when I trust and expect everything to flow, then it does. And that it is natural and good -- meaning nothing bad is happening -- when there is an ebb and flow.

Which leads to my next realization....

Insight 3: How Can I Thrive, Prosper and Profit?

Also around January 12th, a dubious internal thought pattern was so wonderfully revealed to me that I was simply overjoyed with the realization.

I realized that every time in my life when my money got below a certain point -- whatever that comfort point was -- my thoughts would habitually and instinctively go toward "How and I going to survive? How am I going to get by right now?"

Well, that rang a clear bell in my head as a thought pattern that only has one possible outcome: getting by! And I don't want to just get by. I want to THRIVE!!

So right there and then, I decided to change the thought pattern. Ever since then, I have asked myself, "How can I thrive, prosper and profit in the face of this situaion?".

And you know what I realized? This question can and should be asked by me at ANY time. Not just when my bank account balance is low. But always and in every situation. That, my friends, is true wealth mentality.

Insight 2: Moving into New Story-Building

Around January 12th, I had an incredible realization. Spiritual guidance in months past had revealed to me that on some soul level, I was building stories (see December 10th post) that were essential for my being an example or a Steward of Abundance. Back at that time, I saw how that was important. How my overarching souls desire to be an inspiration to people was driving the experience of stories of struggle and hardship. "Before" stories, if you will.

But back in January, something shifted. I awoke one morning, close to the 12th, and thought "I'm done building stories! I no longer feel the need to build stories of struggle and hardship and "having been there too". I realized I was free to choose a new direction. And I choose thriving. I choose to commit my soul to building stories and experiences of thriving, on every level, but more importantly, internally. "After" stories, to be precise. Stories that inspire from a place of having Abundance, not from a place of wanting it. Stories of where I am and where I am going.

So I am no committed to telling the story of where I am going, how my monthly income run rate is increasing every month and every quarter. How I am doing more and more deals, having more and more funding come to me, and taking more and more money and passive income home.

And this leads quite nicely to my next post.