Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Insight 8: $50,000. Easy and Believable

Wow. I'm up to 8 Insights. This has been an incredible year so far, eh! Ok, here's the next one.

Back on the weekend of February 9th and 10th I had the wonderful experience of staying the night at the La Costa Resort and Spa. I had gone down on Saturday the 9th for a music festival that a dear friend produces and I decided I wanted to stay the night. But I had no clue where. I had asked registrationg 2 or 3 times if they had any availabilty and the answer was the same: No.

Funny thing was that I knew there was a room for me at the resort. 100% knew this was true.

Well, one thing led to another and somehow, I ended up manifesting a free night in one of the suites the bands used to prep before their shows!! It was way cool sleeping in this cushy, luxurious bed, in this awesome resort. Don't get me wrong, I love my bed at home, but melting into luxury is one of my soon-to-be favorite past-times. :)

The next morning I awoke with one singular thought in my head: $50,000.

Now it's not every day I awake with that much money on my brain. :) Much less feeling it easily, comfortably and excitedly bopping around in there. Yup -- I was easily conceiving of making $50,000 just like that. And I believed it. Just like I believed there was a room for me that night at the resort. Just like I knew the Giants would win when I woke up on Superbowl Sunday.

What is extra cool about this is not just the amount, and not just the ease in which it sat in my mind and in my heart, but where the thought expanded to during that whole week.

It went from a lump sum, to a believable monthly earnings amount!!!

And I believe it. I am convinced now, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I will be making $50,000 a month very soon. Maybe even next month. But for sure by the end of the 2nd Quarter!

This is the best evidence of my own Abundance that I could ever dream of.

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