Monday, February 25, 2008

44 and Security

Today is my birthday! At 8:21 am Eastern time today, 44 years ago, I popped out all googly and stuff and began to breath on my own. Pretty trippy. But totally cool too! :)

What's even trippier, is what 44 means, given my recent study of the nature of Security.

And old astrologer of mine use to say that the number 4 means "foundation and security". (yeah, do you see where this is going?). So that 44 means "double foundation and security". Then she would total the two numbers together to get a third, equalling number. In this case 8, which is "power".

So 44 = double security resulting in power.

And I just spent the last 3 days delving into the nature of Security. There are NO coincidences.

The last piece of this puzzle is how Security actually feels! I have a sense of this -- and it's keyed to appreciation and love -- but I suspect there is more to it. I will work on it some tonight.

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