Thursday, February 21, 2008

Strange Stillness

Have you been feeling oddly still or quiet recently? Are you finding yourself thinking you need to do something, or make something happen, but feeling stuck or stalled or immobilized? Or even feeling like simply just wish to do nothing -- or nothing "constructive" -- instead of being all busy-busy over stuff?

This is because there is a very profound shift happening, right now. It's a deepening call to ourselves, to self-love and to self-care and to self-guidance. It's a call to return to ourselves, to focus on love, appreciation and higher vibration thoughts and feelings, and to forego the need to effort, struggle, strain or "make" anything happen.

Hahahaha. Make something happen? What a crock of bull! Nobody can "make something happen", at least not by effort and force.

I've begun reading "Think and Grow Rich" again -- the original, unabridged version of it -- and it's quite impactful. One story was told of a man who became a prominent business associate of Thomas Edison's, simply from his unwaivering, clear and definitive desire for it. He knew, beyond all measure of doubt, beyond all evidence of what was infront of him, that this was true. And he felt it as though it was real and already occuring.

So embrace this stillness. It's a wonderful gestation time to get clear and return to our selves and our deeper knowings. Perhaps unearth some new desires and create internally instead of with physical effort and force.

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