Sunday, February 24, 2008

What am I Thinking about Security...?

Today I awoke and thought, "Gosh, I should ask myself that question Abraham encourages us to ask when we're feeling stuck or blocked on an issue." So I got out my pen and notebook and wrote down "What is it I am thinking about you, Security, that is keeping me from being who I a really am, from allowing myself to go with my own flow?"

Here's what I came up with. A series of old thoughts I've been thinking about Security:

  1. I need money ($$$) to be secure.
  2. Even if I have the $$$ -- and thus financial security -- it will go away of be taken from me.
  3. Security is fleeting.
  4. If only I had more financial resources I would never loose anything; that security protects me from the loss of what I love!!
  5. Security is illusive and just a myth
  6. Other people can have it, but not me
  7. It takes forever to get
  8. I shouldn't be materially focused that my only security should come from God
  9. I can never have enough security, and even then, it will not protect me from death and loss; there will never be enough security to protect me from death and loss!

Wow, this is a pretty impactful list. There's some crazy stuff going on here. Some of it seemingly contradictory. The first thing I noticed right away, was that there was a heavy victim vibe and a sort of "left up to chance" element. Even the bit about God being the only source of security come from an old Catholic thought which places God outside myself. Thus, all nine statements either bring good or bad from outside myself, which leaves me completely in powerlessness, and therefore unable -- from that vantage point -- to create anything deserving.

Of course, I don't believe this for a second. All these thoughts are hogwash based on my current understanding. But they've been habitually thought, and thus become beliefs. So now, I choose to reframe them!!

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