Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank You for the Struggles This Past Year!!

This morning I was struck by a warm and lovely thought: had I not had all my experiences in 2007 and early 2008, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be primed and ready to bring a new message -- my message, Greg's message -- to the world. I wouldn't have learned so much about Law of Attraction and found practical ways of becoming even more of the powerful, positive manifestor that I am today. I wouldn't understand the intimate connection between our emotions and our outer manifestations.

In fact, had I reached the level of financial abundance I wanted in 200y by being a professional real estate investor, I'd probably still be doing it. I wouldn't have faced innumerable financial stresses and challenges, each one resulting in my desire to get a stronger handle on my vibration of abundance and what I was mentally and emotionally putting out there. Each attempt to feel better in the moment -- because nothing matters more than that I feel good -- deepening my resolve to feel better and expanding my trust and faith in the inevitability of my wealth and fortune.

Had I not dabbled in MLM and networking marketing in late 2007 and here in 2008 for the last few months, I would have never clarified and learnt more preferences around how hard I want to work and in which ways I want to work and allow my wealth. Years from now I might be still working on building teams and carrying someone else's vision and message. Instead I am returning to my roots in ways -- roots that were sparked 7 to 8 years ago, plus -- and preparing to carry my message. A message I cannot help but carry, because it is who I am and how I operate in the world.

Through both those experiences -- REI and MLM -- I have even refined more preferences. I'd still rather do solid real estate investing than an MLM. But I'd even like to find other investments and forms of building passive wealth.

But most importantly, this whole post is a sort of reflection on opening to a deeper understanding of the dynamic of life. If something isn't manifesting the way we want, then there's really only two perspectives: we're not in alignment with it and need to adjust our vibration -- via our emotional awareness and thinking -- to get in alignment with it OR we're in alignment with something different or some other form of this experience, but that this experience is necessary for getting to that eventual place of alignment. Either way, along the way, the most important thing is to feel good. And appreciation of as much as possible is the best way I know how!

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