Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Whose "Good" Should I Align With?

For the last few weeks, I've sort of been in an expanded form a soul-searching. Not from a place of unrest or angst per se. But more from a place of wanting to be in maximum alignment.

About 2 weeks ago or so, last time I saw my favorite local channel -- Dr. Peebles -- I realized that for the last 2 years solid, and I mean SOLID, I had been pursuing vehicles for financial freedom for the sake of pursuing financial freedom, but not necessarily because I was overjoyed and thrilled about the vehicle itself. Oh sure, I enjoyed real estate investing and I truly GET and understand the value and potential of network marketing. But I was doing them for the final outcome -- NOT because I loved the doing of them.

So here I am in my latest venture: YTB Travel. Now, I LOVE travel!! It's one of my top favorite things to do in the world. In fact, many of my closest friends from before my move to LA will recall how I blogged my way through 4 months in Europe during 2001. That alone thrilled me. Enough to make me want to be able to travel and get paid for it. So of course the value proposition with YTB was appealing and made complete sense to me -- when I'm doing the traveling.

Enter the whole old school recruiting techniques I'm being taught. Oh and don't misunderstand -- they work like a charm!!! I have a number of friends and colleagues rocking the house in various MLMs, using these techniques. But I don't want to take the ACTION and EFFORT journey toward my success! I don't want to make phone calls and solicit people to watch presentations, etc, etc. That's like asking every girl out who crosses my path -- regardless of whether I'm attracted or not.

Hmmm, I actually did that through most of my 30s. Hmmm. But now my dating is different. Higher quality, less quantity. Hmmm. Something to look into perhaps? Hmmm.

Anyways, my point is this: I want to learn and practice attracting EVERYTHING into my life. Money, work, lovers, friends, cars, business partners, clients, colleagues, travel destinations, clothes, everything.

And the only way I (currently) know how to do that is to line up with MY GOODNESS. What I BELIEVE is Good and Right and Proper and Joyful for me. To line up with what brings me joy. In fact, not only the what, but the way. And to trust that in that alignment, all comes to fruition.

Hmmm. Clearly more to think about here.

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