Monday, July 7, 2008

Everything We Want Is Inevitable

I had a great talk with my dear friend J today. She'd had a frantic day awaiting news on something important in her life and she got through it with grace and poise, despite having some chaotic moments in the day. That got us to talking on one of our, and my, favorite subjects: how to find a better feeling thought-place from where we are. Essentially, practicing what Abraham-Hicks teaches in how to coordinate with Law of Attraction.

We covered a lot of ground as we most often do and toward the end, I thought of something I had never thought before.

"Think about it J. If life -- the Universe -- is set up in such a way so that every time we experience chaos or contrast, we intrinsically and instinctually launch a new or refined desire, and that new desire is instantly fulfilled energetically, then everything we want is inevitable. That's a pretty deep level of faith, isn't it?"

To which she responded, "Whooooa!" in her most wonderful, dude voice copy of how Keanu Reeves says the same line in the Matrix.

And seriously. THINK ABOUT IT! Everything we want is inevitable, just due to the creative dynamic of existence, of life.

My next car is inevitable.
My next lover is inevitable.
The woman I will marry is inevitably coming into my life and marrying me.
My next job is inevitable.
My next business is inevitable.
Having successful businesses is inevitable.
Becoming financially free is inevitable.
Becoming rich is inevitable.
The type of physique I want is inevitable.

But here's the key, and it's a doozie:

We must make peace with the inevitability of it.

Abraham once said to me "When you make peace with the inevitability of it, it takes the angst away. And when the angst is gone, it comes sooner. You have to make peace with the later before it comes sooner."

To me, this means I do not have to suffer, effort or strive for what I want. I just simply believe and align, then follow inspiration for the actions to take. I love this way of life! I want to do EVERYTHING from this vantage point. Love, travel, business, work, relationships, money, health, everything!

Try it. I dare you. :) (tee hee hee)

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