Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's YOUR Thriving Throttle?

I read this quote from Abraham today:

"You have to find a way to be all right with thriving because you are always going to want to thrive… The economy is moving forward in response to the desires of people. And depriving yourself of something does not make more money for someone else to spend… If there were not people who were purchasing things, then all of the people who are working at manufacturing and marketing them would have to find some other ways of making their living… There are so many people who innately want to thrive, who as soon as they begin thriving a little, begin imposing all of these exterior judgements about how much thriving is appropriate, "It's appropriate to thrive that much, but not that much." And you have to ask yourself, "At what point do I lose the balance of thriving?" Abraham-Hicks

When I first read it, I thought "I don't have any kind of throttle on thriving. No limitations that I'm aware of." But then, I went to go play my Prosperity Game for today, and had a strange experience.

I was staring at a check for $178,000 and I thought "Now how would I go about making this much money?" And proceeded to envision making it through my new travel business. Then it struck me. That's a throttle. I throttle thriving based on what I can see, touch, hear or logically grasp in my mind. Wow! Ouch! No wonder I've been under the struggle-bucket lately!

This, of course, is not new news. Just an additional twist or angle on an old story. When I finally believe and conceive that wealth and abundance can come to me without conditions or restrictions of any kind, and perfectly matching my preferences, then, it will come. It's a lot like love, isn't it? Hmmm....

What would thriving look like, without conditions or restrictions? I know what loving without conditions or restrictions feels like: this juicy, joyous, expansive, deep well of appreciation, flowing through me and around me and out of me, flooding onto everyone and everything I meet. Particularly with people it's easy to love. And I LOVE this feeling. It's truly lovely to feel.

Perhaps unrestricted, unconditional thriving feels the exact same way? I bet Abraham would agree.

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