Monday, December 10, 2007

Feeling really Abundant

I'm feeling really Abundant today.

Saturday night I had a break-down of sorts, followed by a little one Sunday morning and then a beautiful breakthrough as Sunday progressed.

Essentially, I got into massive fear around my finances and a lot of "Why?" around some things that have been occurring, wanting and wishing they had been different. But what I now see is pretty amazing. I see that I am truly creating myself a steward of abundance, but in a whole different way than I imagined.

I had thought I would get all monetarily successful and shit and then be the prime example. Ya know, sail through a series of deals and start making tens of thousands of dollars a month and beyond. But people can't really relate to that. If that did happen, they'd not think they can do it themselves.

So I'm building stories. Stories that are inspiring and informative and entertaining. They wouldn't be if my stories were simply "Oh yea. I went to go do that and it worked right off the bat and now I'm gob-smacking wealthy."

In fact, my stories are deeper than just being about the money. They're about spirit and passion and the true definition of success -- joy in the face of everything.

So I am more willingly going through whatever it is I am going through, because I know it's part of the mix, all part of the creative soup, and that many people will be inspired by my experience. AND I will be gob-smacking wealthy too! Sooner than later. :)

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