Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Being an example of Abundance

How can we be examples of Abundance when we haven't "arrived" yet? When we haven't gotten "over there"? Or acquired this, that or the other thing.

I'm gathering lately that being an example of Abundance is much simpler than having the material indicators -- which is all they really are anyways. It's actually carrying the inner feeling throughout any material or physical conditions. And that by carrying this inner feeling and radiating it out in love and appreciation, letting it flow through us instead of demanding things come to us, we are true examples of Abundance.

Today, as I face a quiet day -- with joyful expectation -- and expect the best of things today, I feel this truth more than ever. And yes, the physical indicators of abundance are on their way for me and countless others. But they don't need to be here, since in my now I am already there.

Funny, those spiritual paradoxes, eh? :)

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