Monday, December 17, 2007

What a wonderful day

I awoke this morning to a little bit of fear. Not much. Just some stuff about money and bills. Thanks to the last 37 days of playing the Appreciation Game, I simply slipped into making a mental list of what I am currently appreciating. Man, does this game really do the trick. I essentially bathe in the feeling of appreciation right from the moment I wake up.

And today is lovely. The rain is beautiful and nurturing. My tasks are light, easy and fun today. I'm making money right now, while I type and I am surrounded by beautiful people, beautiful possessions and lots of love. I really am blessed.

This perspective of appreciation is really doing a lot for my sense of abundance. I can see now what Abraham means by it. And when I am so often in this state of appreciation, I'm noticing that when things don't go "my way" I am even less phased by them.

For example, tonight I was scheduled to meet a friend who I adore. She had to go to the hospital to support a friend who suddenly needed to go. When I heard this news, I wasn't even disappointed. Well, maybe a tad bit sad. But because of my state of appreciation, I rejoiced in the increase of free-time and the freedom to go eat where I wanted and do what I wanted.

I also thought about how people vibrate out of our experience when we and they are not vibrational matches. So I took the change of plans as a good thing.

The funny thing about this -- as it relates to abundance -- is that I really do FEEL more abundant when I am in appreciation. I don't completely understand this. Nor do I need to. I just know that it is working.

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