Saturday, October 27, 2007

What's been going on.

Wow, I haven't written since Tuesday morning! My goodness. Well, I'll just do a quick summary catch-up of the week and move on.


* The day was full of thoughts about this new awareness regarding relationships. I didn't put much effort into it. But the seed was planted


* Powerful day. I was in fear at first, regarding the details for the funding of my next deal. I spent a few hours in and out of funk. But then I decided to focus on creating a great event that night, for the Abundance Party I hosted. About 2 hours after I switched focus, the call finally came in. We're 100% go for closing on Monday!
* The Abundance Party rocked! Great people showed up and the vibe was really high. I facilitated 3 games/exercises to get us in-touch with receiving more abundance. Then we chatted about the Young Living oils and had a veritable sniff-fest, enjoying all the oils. It really was incredible and we're doing it again November 3rd!


* I woke up completely blissed out from the party. And stress free. I offered this game on Wednesday called the Placemat Process. It's from Abraham-Hicks. Well, it's simply a way of letting go and shifting focus by delegating tasks to the Universe. On Thursday, I realized over half of what I wanted to do could be given to the Universe to handle. And the day was smooth. I even bought a cool new mobile device -- the Helio Ocean.

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