Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday - Day 5

Today's story is less subtle and a bit challenging to see where the abundance is in it. But it's there. Just wait.

I got a big scare today. Today I was supposed to close on this 10-unit apartment building I am buying in Kansas City. But the bank hasn't given word yet. All we needed was a term sheet and commitment letter and the seller would stop panicking and we can close next week. But nothing yet. Nada. Zilch.

Essentially, unless the bank pulls a miracle. I need at least $185,000 to be wired to KC by Monday, October 15th at 3pm Pacific. Or no 10-unit for Greg.

Man, I got scared for about 20 minutes. Was really feeling that crisis of faith. Then I pulled it together, said a few prayers and put some more oil on. If I got I can get 6 times that over the weekend. But I didn't know where to start. I made a few calls, helped some friends and get thinking things over, waiting for inspiration.

Now, you need to understand something about me. I do not like to act from a place of fear or urgency. Gnarly, painful results come from it. Nor am I the type of person who "powers through" or trys to make something happen. I like to act from a place of inspiration and intuitive thoughts. And I was running dry.

So how is this an abundance story. Well, I decided until I have any more ideas, to just hang tight and focus on envisioning buying the building, signing the paper work, etc. Everything I've been picturing. The deal is mine. Period. I own this building.

And then, the miracle happens. Tonight I was talking to a friend on the phone -- a fellow investor who is eager and new, who I am helping a bit. So, without thinking about it, and mostly cause she likes to here about my deals, I told her what was going on. She asked how much I needed. I told her. Then the magic words: she had a good friend for whom that amount is a drop in a bucket.

Whoa! No freakin' way! Amazing.

We got on the phone and called him and left a message.

And you know what is even more freaky? As I was asking her friend's name, I knew she was going to say "David" before she even opened her mouth.

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