Saturday, November 10, 2007

Money is a Part of Me. It's Not "Out There".

Last night I had an incredible epiphany! I realized that there is absolutely NO separation between me and the money I want. In fact, it's not even really about the money I want, as much as it's about changing the perception of where it "lives". Let me explain.

See, when I was growing up, money was something very foreign to me. My family didn't have much of it. They never spoke openly about it -- it was always a kind of "behind closed doors" sort of thing, right up there with sex. And we were always pinching pennies, cutting coupons and doing cost saving things around the house.

So I got this message that money was in short supply, hard to come by and needed to be preserved and watched closely, and rarely spent. My family had the "lacks". And yet, I saw plenty of evidence of money in other people's lives. Even on the street where I lived. I was under the impression that we were different from all of them. (see, more separation!)

Over the years, I've grown to have a better relationship with money. Have actually learned to make a lot of it in 9-to-5 J.O.B.'s. But one old story has remained.That is the belief that money was always "out there", "over there", in other people's hands or anywhere other than associated directly with me. Even while I was earning big bucks on wall street back in 1995 and 1996, money was something that other people gave to me, in exchange for my labor, service or brilliance. But it was an exchange. Not a right. I associated it with them, not with me.

In recent months I've been practicing allowing more abundance into my life, through various exercises. Most of that fun and games has been around deserving, defining feeling states I associate with money and wealth, defining what I want, and shifting my belief around it needing to come from a 9-to-5 JOB.

And lat night was the next big piece -- bring it home to where it really "lives": with me. Perhaps this was the final piece of my shift. I certainly hope so. Here's what happened.

I was listening to someone talk about how we are connected to everything around us: how we are the chair we're sitting on, the grass we walk on, the air we breath, etc. Many people would say this is the major tenet of the "We are all One" or "We're all interconnected" spiritual beliefs. But I took it deeper than that.

For me, it was a deep realization that money -- as much or as little as I may want -- is not "out there" or "over there with them" or "theirs" or that anyone needs to give it to me. That's when I realized that everything I want is simply an energetic extension of me and, in fact, is actually part of me!!

  • The $10,000+/month in passive income I want is part of me.
  • All the real estate investment deals I do from now on are part of me.
  • The money I will make from those deals is part of me.
  • What's in my bank account and what's coming to my bank account are a part of me.
  • The relationship with my beloved and all love relationships are part of me.
  • The furniture I want to buy this weekend is part of me.
  • The house in the hills or on the beach are a part of me.

Everything I want is part of me, simply by the fact that I desire it. And in fact, as soon as I desire it, it is a part of me. Or rather, it's part of who I am becoming. Thus, my role, is to let go and allow it to join with my current experience. To let it in and allow it to be part of me.

So there is NO separation between myself and money. It's not "over there" or "in someone else's hands" or "hard to attain" or "requiring big effort". Someone else doesn't need to give it to me. I don't even need to earn it -- although I enjoy doing so. It simply lives with me, in my heart, in my sphere of influence as soon as I ask for it. And it's there, waiting for me to claim it as my own, to bring it into my life experience, as part of me.

That is amazing! For this, I am grateful

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