Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Surrender: What people misunderstand most about it and how it relates to Abundance.

It occurred to me today that many people misunderstand the notion of Surrender.

When I was fat -- yes, hard to believe, but I was, although I don't identify with those years anymore -- one could say I had "surrendered" to the food. In truth, it was more like resignation. The problem with this type of surrender is that it is sort of backward focused, stuck on lack and the problem. Surrendering to a problem -- or in my case resigning to the "fact" that I would be fat for the rest of my life (ha! what a lie) had nothing to do with a solution. Nothing to do with hope or inspiration or even where I wanted to go.

And if humility is an acceptance of where we are and a willingness to become all we can be. Then this type of "surrender" even lacks humility. Because there's no "can be". Only where we are.

See, true Surrender -- and I capitalize it on purpose -- is not just an acceptance or resignation of where we are. True Surrender is to Life itself: to the stream of life that flows powerful and magically through our days and nights.

When we surrender to that stream of life, we are saying quite simply: I'm okay where I am and I'm willing to let the rest unfold.

Surrender to a problem says "well, I might as well accept that this is how it is and will always be".

See the difference? One has hope and movement. The other is stuck and lacking.

I think this is an important thing to be aware of when attempting to manifest Abundance in one's life.

Don't surrender to your problems. Don't surrender to "what is"! Don't resign yourself to how you currently view things!! You might as well shoot your self!!!

Abundance is there, waiting for us, in every moment, just a reach away. And we get there faster when we truly Surrender. :)

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