Thursday, November 1, 2007

Finally closing! (more lessons in letting go)

Wow. Amazing day. Started sort of the same way the day before ended -- not knowing what was up with my closing on this 4 bedroom flip in KC. Then I had a semi-good meditation. Man, was I distracted. This turned into a good cry and a deeper letting go of the whole situation. I had tried everything and couldn't see anything else to do. I'd even put this closing on the Universe's side of my Placemat Process for yesterday.

Funny thing is, after my cry, a thought/inspiration came to me. I thought of calling my business partner for this deal at his work number. His J.O.B, which I had never called him at. And sure enough, I got it. First time in 3 days! And write before he was leaving his desk.

Turns out the wire never went through. Typo. Hah! Don't you just love Mercury retrograde? LOL

Well, we settled that issue and we're closing tomorrow -- regardless! When this deal flips in December, I stand to make 35-50K!

But it gets better...

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