Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Expected-Unexpected Nature of Abundance

One of the things I am learning about Abundance -- or manifestation in general -- is how unexpected -- yet not -- the things that come to me are.

For instance. You know, from earlier posts, that I've been on this allowing the Universe to bring me consistent funding for all my deals. And a lot happened even just 1+ plus short weeks since writing this into my Placemat process.

Well, since Wednesday, two new things happened:

  1. I met with a potential cash partner and we decided to work together. This enables me to be able to do at least 2 deals at a time with her. Maybe more!
  2. A trusted colleague called who I hadn't spoken to for a while. He had some Qs about him becoming a credit partner for other investors. I explained the process and how it worked. And then -- quite unexpectedly -- he asked if that was something I would be interested in doing with him. Of course the answer was yes! But what's interesting is that he didn't know that I had recently decided to take on credit partners. :)

So between this new cash partner, this new credit partner and my current credit partner -- not to mention a few private lenders -- I will be able to do 2-4 deals per month easily, effortlessly and consistently, from now on. For THAT I am so damn appreciative!

There are two things that are most striking about each of these events. First, I never expected these exact results. And certainly not so quickly since writing this down on my Placemat Process. But, I did expect for my request to be taken care of. That's what's cool about this!

If we expect -- on a feeling level -- that the Universe will take care of these requests, then we can be surprised beyond our wildest dreams and simplest conceptions of how it should unfold.

So today, I wrote a new additional request to the Universe: "consistent income to pay all my bills and have lots of fun $$ left over, beyond my wildest dreams".

I have no idea what this will look like, but I'm sure it will fit my preferences AND knock my socks off!!

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